The morning of the second day in Namimori

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This morning I woke up at my usual time at six in the morning, a habit that I had accustomed myself to back when I had attended Tart Middle, and went out into the front yard to practice my soccer passes. Again, this had become a habit since Middle when I had entered the soccer club. I was in the middle of hitting the stone fence surrouding out house when some super luxurious car drives by. I hardly pay attention to it, since I am that concentrated with perfecting the pass. Not until some guy jumps over the stone fence and faces me. "You! Are you Kazumoto Walker, Youroi?"

I stop, and let my foot rest on top of the ball, letting my breathing become steady. "Depends on who's asking."

"No one in particular," The man scoffed. I let myself inspect him, taking in the details of his fine suit, a good build, some muscles from a workout, and shades when the Sun isn't even out. Definitely suspicious.

"I was told to not talk to strangers," I gave a shrug, picking up my soccer tricks again.

"Not being very smart now are you," The man sneered.

I hummed, continuing the tricks. "Maybe, but I'm just saying you aren't smart either."

"What the hell are you going on about now!" He yelled, reaching the end of his rope. He reached into his inner breast pocket and brought out a .98 caliber pistol.

"You're approching a stranger too," I pointed out, keeping my gaze trained jumping soccer ball. "me. Didn't your mother tell you to not talk to strangers?"

"Enough games! I want you to go inside the car, now!" He finally snapped, pointed the pistol in my direction.

"Honestly, I just moved here, and now because of you we might move back." I sighed, giving a disappointed look to the man. Somehow this kind of situation let adrenaline run through my body, it must have been from fear, yet it didn't explain the calm exterior I had. That was rather confusing.

"Shut the hell up and get into the damn car!" He raised his voice.

From inside the house I could hear the scrambling and the yelling. It wasn't long until the front door burst open revealing my parents and big brother, all disheveled in their pajamas. The man took advantage of the fact that my family was here on the scene. I had the distant thought of the absurbdity neighborhood being quiet with all this yelling going on, when I was brought out of my thoughts with a yell from the man. "Kid get in the car, or I'll shoot them down!"

"Oh, you've done it now," I muttered as I kicked the soccer ball slightly higher than the usual, sending it with a power kick towards the man's face, knocking him unconscious. The adrenaline boosted its rush and I ran over to grab the pistol and point it to the remaining guy who had his sniper rifle ready. I stepped closer to the unconscious man, resting my foot on his neck lightly. "Drop the weapon and I spare the man."

"I won't listen to you, kid!" He got his rifle positioned, aiming it at my family members.

I didn't wait for him to get ready, instead I began shooting close enough to scare him. It worked, since he took cover behind the wall. I wasted no time in going after him and pinned him down. "Now, why don't you help me and pick up your pal from my property? I won't hurt you if you comply."

"L-Like I'll follow your orders!" I released the safety trigger from the pistol, and brought it closer to his temple. "A-Alright! Alright! Just spare me!"

I allowed him the space to get up, and kept the pistol trained on him. He did as he was told, and I prodded them to stay in the corner of the property. "Big brother,"

"Wh-What is it?" I couldn't blame him for being so breathless. You don't see random people coming in and yelling on your front lawn everyday.

"Can I use your phone?" I asked as I watched the conscious man cowering in front of me. They never expected for me to have fought back, plausible seeing as even I don't know of how I came up with these moves. Big brother handed me his phone and I dialed the police quickly as to not to lose my sight of the men. The phone on the other end picked up on the third ring.

"411, how can we help you?" The woman spoke through the receiver.

"Yes, this a resident of Namimori calling in to report a crime syndicate that happened in the front of my house." I reported, continuing without pause. "They are two full-fledged men who seem to have a caucasion background, around their late thirties and mid-forties, they drove up to my house and threatened me with firearms to enter their car, please hurry, I think that they will begin their counterattacks once they regain consciousness."

I gave the street address and didn't wait for their response and hung up on them, I then handed the phone back to my big brother. "Thanks for letting me use it."

"Have you experienced this before, Youroi?" I heard him question, still recovering from the shock he had received.

I shook my head, staring down at the men. The guy who was conscious was shooting glances between us. "No, first time."

Probably in my past life, but I wasn't going to blurt that out now, was I?

It wasn't long until the police sirens could be heard, wailing through the streets. I could hear the tires screech and doors slamming open, as the footsteps scrambled onto our property. I startled out of my state when I felt something click around my wrist. I turned my gaze towards the smiling police officier. "And may I ask why you are placing a handcuff on me?"

"You-" He didn't get to finish since a yell cut him off.

"Youroi!" I turned immediately, in time to see that the man, I had been keeping my guard up on, got up and had tackled my brother to the ground and lunged at me. I had to give it to him that he had taken advantage to the small opening he was granted. I saw spots in my vision, and found myself on the ground. I was then dragged up, an arm on my throat, as a cool metal made contact with my temple. That was when I felt the adrenaline webb away, leaving me in the company of hysteria. The effects were starting to show rather quickly, as I tried to claw of the arm.

The gun's barrel was pressed further onto my temple, and my breating got shallower. "Don't move! Otherwise he gets it!"

There was a groan, but I was more concentrated on focusing my vision. "Get up you lazy mutt! We got the boy, let's go!"

"You there! Make a move and I swear to god that this boy won't see another day!" I was then dragged along and stuffed into the back seat, hitting my head hard on the other door pretty hard. Doors then slammed shut and the car started, screeching to full power as we drove off. I didn't have time to allow myself to focus on where we were going. "Now be a good boy and sleep until we get there."

I then blacked out with a blossoming pain on my right temple.

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