The move and the visit to Namimori High

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I had been walking for quite a bit now, navigating myself through the streets of Namimori, and the streets were pretty easy to memorize and note down on where they were. So far I had passed by the local Preschool, Elementary, and Middle Schools', all with the name of Namimori. I found that very perplexing, but it was better than having a school named after a confectionery, much better. I scratched my head as I looked around a junction on the street, frowning as I glanced at the written directions I had taken off of the internet. "Where the heck is it?"

We had moved into Namimori today, with the fast work of the move-out company in three hours, they were just that hardworking. The ride from our previous home to here wasn't that long at all. Mom was back at the house, with dad and big brother, getting the place all orderly. I would have helped, but they all ganged up on me, saying that it was best that I should go and meet up with the Principal, and that it was rude manners to keep them waiting. I eventually gave in and went out the house with written instructions copied from the internet in hand. I took a left and kept going forward, taking in the scenery that accompanied the walk. "It said that it was supposed to be around here... but I don't see any school buildings..."

My trip so far had been unending turns here and there, and I even stopped to ask for directions to the building. Everyone, that I had asked, had all pointed up at the hills just past the suburbs of the quiet town, stating that the building that I was looking for was located up on those hills. I contemplated if they were all crazy, or if they were high on something, but the signs of a normal civilian outshone all my doubts, unfortunately that decision wasn't made until now. "I guess it's off to the mountains then."

I managed to find new-found energy, and made my trip to the hills. It wasn't long until I had gotten lost, for five minutes, tripping consecutively and losing balance over the period of time while my direction got muddled, when I finally, finally, found the school building. To say the least, I was speechless. Who wouldn't be? The school was like a huge estate and it should have been visible from the base of the hill, or even from the town! Yet, from what I remember, I hadn't seen an extravagant-looking building! Not even that huge tower-like clock! I don't know how long I stared at it, but I made my way towards it, entering the school grounds. "This is unbelievable! A school this huge should be running ads in the newspapers! How did dad even find out about this?"

"You there! Halt!" I turned to see who had taken up the military language in a domesticated country, only to stare, again, at the hairstyle of the individual. Not the individual themselves, but their hairstyle.

"Oh god, please be some sort of joke..." I muttered, dragging my hand down my face. I had a right, the guy, that did not look like a highschooler at all, had styled his hair into a pompadour. Who the heck styled their hair as a pompadour? Apparently, he would.

While I was wallowing in my self-pity, he caught up to me. "It's against the school rules to trespass onto private grounds, state your business here."

"Um... because I am to be transferred here?" I stated uncertainly. The Principal did say that he would greet me personally, so I was unsure of how to take care of this kind of situation.

"Do you have any sort of evidence?" He questioned, totally unaware of the fact that I was being pressured. Wasn't this some sort of peer-pressuring? Wait... he wouldn't be considered as my peer... right?

I patted my pockets to see if I had anything that would save my skin from being sacked, pushing my previous thought to the back of my mind. Nope, nothing of importance to indicate my free pass entry. I sighed as I looked up at the pompadour delinquent, shrugging nonchalantly. "Sorry, I don't think I have anything worth looking at."

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