Part I: Where Dwell the Brave at Heart (i)

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A/N: Hello!

This fic is an extension of the LUMOS!Universe found in my ongoing WIP, Lumos. It takes place within that universe canon and follows the story of Molly and Arthur Weasley.

It might help to think of this story like a song told from four perspectives, like a quartet. The bulk of it is told in the melody: Arthur's and Molly's viewpoints. But from time to time, we'll depart to catch a glimpse from Gideon and Fabian--you might think of them as acting as the harmony.

This story is told in five parts, which are split into sets of smaller chapters (Part I contains six chapters and a prologue, which is included with Chapter one, below). Each part will be posted together, in full, as a set. Main notes will be contained at the start of each major part, but individual chapter notes will contain playlists and any content warnings relevant.

 You do not have to read Lumos to enjoy Mollywobbles, but I highly recommend it. The stories have been brainstormed and developed side by side, and they add to each other.

Special Note: I would be remiss to not mention Ruby. A longtime friend and the closest thing Lumos has to a beta reader, Ruby has invested countless hours into listening to long-winded voice messages, exploring plot points, and giving encouragement when I've often felt uncertain. Ruby's fingerprints all all over the Weasleys, and especially Mollywobbles, which was birthed from our chats. If you've enjoyed the characterizations of Bill, Charlie, and/or Percy in particular in the Lumos universe, you have Ruby to thank. <3 So, this particular story is for you, friend. <3

With that, grab your snack (I suggest something sweet, like chocolate chip biscuits or cinnamon rolls), your drink (I've consumed a great deal of chai tea while editing this first chunk), and your largest blanket. And also, maybe something to hug.

Let's dive in.

1. "To Dwell On Dreams" by AudioMachine
2. "Scandalous Secrets" by AudioMachine (specifically, when Arthur heads down to the common room. You'll know).


and the Tale of the Prewett Trio

Part I: Where Dwell the Brave at Heart


Some believe that darkness may only be vanquished by great powers. That Stones of Resurrection, Wands of Elder, and Cloaks of Vanishing are the markers of heroism and the turning of an age.

This is not so.

Love as one might the sensational actors that force lightning from their hands and commit feats both great and impossible, they do not find their purpose or start in noble inheritance, or power, or exceptionalism, and it is not for these sakes that they fight.

When the whole of Wizarding Britain lay in the tremors of an aftershock, and darkness had soaked the doorway of every family—rich and poor, large and small—an unusual, quaint little fellow was brought into the world to the great surprise and amusement of his parents and brothers.

You see, Arthur Weasley was not supposed to happen.

The hopeful quality of his being was diametrically opposed to the state of his origins.

Truly, he had no right to the bright humor which seemed to surround him, but perhaps the universe forgot to tell him so, on his way out the door. And we cannot blame the universe for such a mistake because a good number of children were being born at the time, and all of them had to be told, I imagine, to not scream in the hallways, to tuck in their shirts, and to smile extra wide when they fancied a spare slice of treacle tart. And somewhere in the midst of all this hullabaloo and shuffle, Arthur Weasley slipped right out the gate with a personality most unbecoming of his grim, broken world.

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