A Death Worth Dying For

Start from the beginning

They filter out, closing my door gently behind them.

As I wait for Albedo and the other Guardians, I marvel over my new found control for my thick tail and leathery wings. You'd think, these being extra limbs, it would be difficult to command them as easy as the others. Except...It isn't. Aside from becoming aware of new muscles, curling my tail and stretching my wings isn't much different than moving an arm or leg.

Well, I say that, and then being reminded that its not too similar as my tails begin wagging without meaning to and knocking against one of the wooden bedposts.

The loud, piercing crack! startles me, and I whip around to find the one post splintered, broken almost in two as the bed groans and dips.

'D-Did I do that?'

I hardly think I hit it that hard!

I test out the sharpness of my claws by shredding a pillow, mouth twisting in displeasure as I consequently pick out the stuffing and bits of cloth stuck under them. Furthermore, I can smell the cleaner on by bedding as clear as if I were pressing my nose into it, the old, dried paint in the decorative paintings on the wall, and the flowers several feet away on the dresser. It's all so clear and strong!

I also try a few minor spells -nothing major, a simple [Fire Ball] that hovers over my palm, a few flaps of my wings to fly an inch off the ground before falling back down.

Curiously, I seem to be able to instinctively tell what my stats are. I want to let loose and see what a more powerful spell does -so that I can compare what losing MP might feel like- but just as I'm pondering that, Albedo knocks on the door.

"Lady Ryoko? I have gathered everyone as you commanded, may we please be allowed entry?"

"Oh, um, yeah!" I close my fist, the small blue flame sputtering out as I turn to face the door. "Come on in!"

The sight of everyone -as unworldly, terrific as it is- pooling together causes instant regret over not requesting a different meeting place than my room. The room isn't small by any means, truly is does resemble a Nobles', with a gigantic bed, enough space for a heavy dresser floor to ceiling, and a sitting area, but as everyone gathers in front of me...

Especially Cocytus! The blue Vermin Lord takes up the vast majority of the space, forcing everyone else to squeeze together to make room. The man can't even stand up straight, and his armer still scraps against the ceiling even as he kneels!

I'm about to suggest that we should move back into the hallway when Shalltear weasels past Cocytus and Demiurge, stalking right up to me with stars in her crimson hues, her delicate hands clasped in front of her chest.

"Lady RyokoTheSassy21, you are utterly radiant this evening!" she breathes, leaning uncomfortably close. "Oh, that's not to say you aren't radiant everyday, but you are most stunning today especially! I am most honoured to be given the privilege to bask in your Supreme presence-"

"Shalltear, I do believe that you are burdening Lady RyokoTheSassy21," Demiurge speaks up with clear disapproval in his deep, smooth voice, the sound of that voice doing a funny little thing to my tummy. Behind him, his tail flickers side to side with subtle aggression.

Shalltear pouts at him, taking another step closer so that she's just shy of pressing against me. "Nonsense, Demiurge, I am simply appreciating Lady RyokoTheSassy21's unparalleled, exquisite beauty!"

'The top of her head barely reaches my shoulder...'

I clear my throat, using my claws to gently hold her off, but she only leans further into the touch, a bright blush blooming on her otherwise pale cheeks, gazing up at me under her lashes shyly. "My Lady?" she wonders.

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