Chapter 9: Spank me daddy

Start from the beginning

We arrive at 6.  The light inside the house are all opened. I hope the caretaker prepare our food because I am starving already.

I parked and as Mrs Bradford instructed I should open her door. So I did.

Cara smiled and thanks me. She slowly gets out of the car scanning her surroundings.

"You'll see it properly tomorrow morning sweetheart. For now let's go inside cause I am starving."

Cara looks at me and said "You are always starving Blake."

"Of course! I am still growing!" I defended myself.

"Physically maybe but mentally Blake? Questionable."

We entered the house and I naturally gravitate towards the dining room.

As expected they prepare our dinner covered with silver domes to maintain it's heat.

I opened the cover one by one and told Cara to sit down so we can already starts eating.

I placed a different dish on Cara's plate and encourage her to taste all of it. I'll take note on what food she doesn't want and tell Charlie to not let the staff serve it again in the future.

I carefully observed her. So far she likes everything except the oysters.

After we ate I one by one place the plates and such on the sink. I rinse and properly scrub each plate. I don't like using dishwasher. The old style is much better. Cara dried all I washed and placed it inside the dish rack.

"Do you want to swim on the hot tub?"

"You have one?" She ask excitedly.

"Will I suggest it sweetheart if I doesn't have one?"

"Fine but can I have a mini tour of this place first?" She requested. I nodded and proceeds to show her the 4 room on the 2nd floor and the gym at the ground floor.

"Blake this house is beautiful."

"Thank you."

After the tour we changed to our bathing suit.

I stopped on my tracks when I saw what is Cara's wearing.
I am drooling. Shit. Calm down Blake you're not even married for 24 hours and you are acting like a horndog.

 Calm down Blake you're not even married for 24 hours and you are acting like a horndog

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I love Cara's full figure. I like my woman having hips that I can hold on to. Not skin and bones.

I love that she can keep up on my appetite. She is not afraid to diss me. She is definitely made for me.

"Oh come on! Stop staring! I know my belly fats are expose no need to stare at it blatantly!" Cara whined.

I look down and she is covering her tummy.
There is nothing to be insecure about. She is sexy and beautiful.

I pry her arms from her stomach.

"Your curves are to die for sweetheart. Like they said flaunt it if you have it!"

"It is easy for you to say that because you have a ripped and toned body Blake."

"Do you think I did not work hard for this body? I work out for 2 hours everyday for the past 10 years to achieve and maintain this body sweetheart. I'll show you my old photos so you can see the big difference but for now let's go to the hot tub."

I gently hold her hand. We walk side by side with comfortable silence. I can see in my peripheral vision that she is still pinching and grabbing her belly.

Tsk. I should do something about that.

I help her walk down the hot tub. I don't want her to slip and cracked her head open. I followed when she is comfortably and safely sitting down.

"I'm curious." She started.

"About what?" I asked

"About your friendship with James." I narrow my eyes at her and said "Don't tell me you got the hots for my Bestfriend."

She shrugged and nonchalantly replied "Who doesn't? Anyone with two eyes will agree with me. He is a one very fine piece of man."

I scowl at her. Yes he is but I am not admitting that. "A cardboard has more personality than James."

"So tell me how did you meet?" She is really not dropping the topic.

I sigh and narrates how I became friends with James.

"I met James at Columbia. Co incidentally We are both getting our Masters degree in Oxford. He was very anti-social. I tried many times to talk to him but he ignores me." I smiled when I remembered how irritating I was at that time.

"Eventually I broke down his defenses. He has a scholarship until he finished his PhD. He's so smart I swear he can analayze everything in his mind. He started his company when he was still in college that's why when he finished his PhD he is already a billionaire."

Cara was definitely in awe of James. Who would not?
He practically raised himself. He has no parents and he never mentions them because as he said they are not worth his time. No living relatives either so to his irritation I appoint myself as his brother.

"Wow. He is amzing."

"Yes he is." I agreed wholeheartedly.
"Can we just talk about something else?"

"Like what?" She asked

"Well what will be our plan this monday."

Cara smiled menacingly and proceeds to say her plan for some of my employees.

I smirk and said "I approve." Monday will gonna be more interesting than I thought.

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