10 - Plans

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"Something wrong?"

Koala had this disappointed expression on her face as you sat down opposite her, ready to eat your lunch. Her head was leaning on her arms and she was pouting, letting out a big sigh as she closed her eyes, clearly tired from just hearing your question.

"Sabo and his brothers were meant to be having another party this weekend but their pops found out about the plans and now it's not happening."

"Oh that's what you're sad about?"

You felt a lot more relieved as you pulled your sandwich out of your bag, less worried that your friend was sad for a worse reason. Koby was sat to the other side of the blonde haired girl, resting his hand against her back gently. And as he did so, another sigh came. This time, it was from Vivi who sat on your other side; sipping away at an ice coffee. Where she managed to get it from, you would just never know.

"It's a shame, really. I too was looking forward to it."

Humming in agreement, you bit down into your sandwich. The girls might be looking a little down now, though you were sure it would pass. You hadn't even heard about this plan but then again, you weren't really close with any of the Edward boys. Whatever, someone else would have a party at some point.

As you all carried on your lunch in near silence, the pink haired boy from across the table stopped. Koby put down his fork back into his container and his eyebrow furrowed. You caught the action from the corner of your eye, putting down your lunch to frown back at him.

"You alright?"

His eyes flickered to you and he nodded, still clearly pondering on something. The other two stopped as well, watching as Koby then opened his mouth.

"Hey, don't you have a huge house? Doesn't your garden have a pool?"

His question was so out of the blue that you frowned harder, nodding your head slowly as if you were nervous.

"Uh, yeah? Why?"

You watched with curiosity as his lips then curled up into a smile. For some reason, it felt like he was going to say something that you were going to question highly. But before the pink haired boy could even open his mouth, someone else moved. Koala shot up from her seat so fast, that even the people on the nearby tables jumped out of their skin.

"Hey! Wait!"

Stunned and surprised, you were blinking owlishly at your friend. Her expression was a huge contrast from before; her previous sulking pout turned upside down into a big grin. You felt a beat of sweat rolling down your face as her eyes began to sparkle.

"Why don't you throw a party at your house, (y/n)?"

Continuing to blink, the cogs in your mind turned. You were sure that if they listened hard enough, your friends could hear your thoughts processing. It was like your mind buffered, right up until the moment where it sunk in.

Your jaw hung and your eyes went wide, then that look turned into further bewilderment and speechlessness.

"I-I can't do that! Law would skin me alive-!"

"Oh, what a great idea!"

From your right side, your blue haired friend also lit up with excitement. You slowly turned your head in Vivi's direction, watching as she grinned. You could feel your brain flipping through your files and finding something to say, digging deeper. But ultimately, you just didn't know what to say. Disappointing your friends was not something that you liked to do.

With defeat, your shoulders dropped.

"I guess I'll ask."

What more could you say as you were then shaken with cheers. You were up for a party, but your house? Maybe that was an unachievable goal. But the more you thought about it, the more the corners of your lips twitching up...

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