08 - Analysis

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Once upon a time, you didn't care for the hour of the day in which Spanish would roll around. You would quietly wait it out and then leave, much like the other students. But now that you were in a relationship with the guy you came to love very much sitting next to you, it wasn't half bad.

Especially when you were trying not to burst out laughing, hearing his whispers in Spanish. It was funny for the both of you, really. His accent was all over the place, which made for a good laugh. Not just that, but it was cheesy as all hell. Which only made it more hilarious.

"Estoy enamorado~"

You had to hold your hand over your mouth as you doubled over your work, spluttering between your fingers. The redhead had said it so causally that it was incredibly funny to you, his lips curling into a smirk as he watched you break down - courtesy of your strange humour.

"Tu amor vale mas que millones de estrellas."

There was a touch to your leg as you felt his hand creep onto your bare skin, the contact causing you to shiver. The sensation had been that much more frequent since his last visit to your home, maybe because that electric feeling only got stronger.

"Tarda una hora en conocerte y solo un dia en enamorarme. Pero me llevará toda una vida poder olvidarte~"


Slapping his hand away with a whisper in fear of your cheeks displaying fifty shades of red, you jokingly scowled at his his distinct snicker. You tried to conceal your big grin with your workbook, attempting to write the sentences you needed to while doing so. But you weren't allowed, apparently.

"Tu amor me inspira, tu ternura me conmueve y tus besos me enloquecen."

Now, you were struggling not to smile.

You knew that most people in this classroom spoke English and English only, so there was no way in hell they would understand him. Even the study sweats like Vinsmoke Reiju didn't know enough of the language to catch on. That, and the fact people were too far away.

You were about to reply jokingly, prodding fun at his terrible accent again, when you were stopped. To say that your face drained of all colour, was definitely an understatement. You went at least three tones lighter.

"I do appreciate the attempt at revision, Shachi, but I don't believe that is within the syllabus."

You glanced worriedly to the side, noticing your boyfriend stiffening up. This sort of anxiety washed over you as he then smiled awkwardly, scratching at his neck idly. He was always so much calmer and you envied that.

"Sorry, sir."

For a second, you had completely forgotten that Mr. Dracule was in earshot. His desk wasn't to far away and worst of all - he was fluent in the language your lover was flirting in. That had flown right over of your head. Your skin burned a deep, deep red and you went right back to looking like you were doing your work. This could've been terrible for the both of you.

You were highly worried that this was yet another teacher-related slip up, but then you remembered that Mr. Dracule wouldn't care about relationships. Even if his coworker's niece was one of the party members. In fact, he wholly ignored them. Clearly he did when he once witnessed Sabo and Koala getting a little too close in the corridor and told them simply to move out of the way. Unbothered and indifferent.

While you delved back into your thoughts, your boyfriend placed a hand on your knee once more. The warmth of his touch transferred to your body, his smile lighting up one of your own. But while you were forgetting about how mischief, covered by his charm, he gave you one last playful look and spoke quietly.

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