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It was the second break time already. She was hoping within her that she was heading the right way. She was concentrating while the guy gave her the directions but

Damn is this school confusing, they should have a map or something

She got to the door and knocked. She almost walked away. The person sounded so lively it had to be the wrong place. 

"Come i-in!"

When she came in, she saw two people.

They must both be the counsellors
she thought.

The Man looked like he was in his late forties, the female on the other hand, looked like she was in her late thirties but they both had the same agile stare on their faces.

The lady came closer

"Hey! I'm Miss Jenner but you can call me Joyce" and she winked.

"Well Phineas, if you need me I'll be in the teacher's lounge, playing my favorite Jazz songs. Sigh. I love Jazz!"
She said dancing and hopping away.

Well that was awkward

From one crazy to another

She thought glaring at the Male counsellor.
He asked her to take her sit and introduced himself.

"Welcome Ekwami Jones" he said.

Geez he already knows my name

She thought. He stretched out his hands formally for a hand shake but Ekwami couldn't help it. Mr Wills looked like he's about forty-eight but he dressed even worse than her little cousin Joey. He's fashion style was over the top. He had a silver shine shirt with the most outrageous tie Ekwami had ever seen. She could see the whole mystery team of the show Scooby Doo on it. Not to talk of his hair do, seemed to her, he was attempting to go all MJ today but it went all wrong. His Jeans and shoes were the only normal wears on his body. A laugh nearly escaped her lips but she held it in. She quickly shook his hands realizing she's been staring too long.

He hopped on his chair and twirled on it.

"We are so excited to have you here"

Then he began asking her certain questions and answering them too which seemed funny.

"I'm fifty-eight years old, how old are you Ekwami?" He said putting his elbows on the table and joining his hands to his chin at the same time.

"I'm Seventeen Sir". She said but couldn't hide the astonished look on her face. This man was almost sixty.

He noticed.

"I look like I'm in my forties right?"

She nodded

"Well, I eat good food and smile a lot! Your parents aren't wrong when they say eat your Veggies. If I didn't, I mean I'll have turned out like Mr Evans, the principal, looking like a depressed sixty year old, when we are actually the same age!"
He giggled. Then he lowered his voice all of a sudden.
"Don't tell anyone I told you that"
Instantly, Ekwami knew she liked him. He was crazy yes but fun and funny.

"Speaking of Parents, which of your parent is white?"
He had noticed she's mixed. Well, it wasn't hard to notice. Her full long yet African hair, her perfectly mixed brown skin and yet blue eyes was sure enough to give it away at first sight.

"My Mom Sir"

"Oh wow that's cool. But I do hope your Dad still feeds you well with your African Heritage. We Africans tend to forget when we move to a new place. We want to hide our stories, which shouldn't be..."

He suddenly sounded very serious talking about the African Heritage. He was black too.

He began to ask her about her hobbies then right after he began mentioning the clubs they had in the school.

"You are going to have a tour guide. He will show you around so you can socialize and so you don't get lost, this school can get confusing if you know what I mean"

Ah geez

She thought. Socializing was the last thing she needed. Then she had an idea.

"Sir, can I request for two tour guides?"

"Why yes! Of course dear!" He said excitedly
"You are ready to mingle" he said and he winked.

Meanwhile Ekwami thought about it, with two tour guides, She can keep them together and out of her space.

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