Chapter Fourteen: Unexpected Happiness

Start from the beginning

After he returns to his post, a short brunette in a uniform places menus in front of us and take a notebook out of her apron.

"What can I get you to drink tonight?"

"Daremo il vostro vino migliore per favore."

For the first time, she looked up from her notebook and quickly glances at my confused face before her eyes land on Kaden.

She hungrily takes him in as the both of them completely ignore my presence.

"Naturalmente." Great, they both speak Italian. Something else they have in common besides the fact that they are blatantly rude.

She gives him a toothy grin before turning back to me with a scowl and stalking away.

"Thanks for waiting to hear what I wanted." Mumbling under my breath, I pick up the menu and assess it.

"Don't worry Cambina, I got you something to drink."

As I'm looking down at the choices, I realize that I don't understand anything. Shaking my head, I complain to him, "I can't read any of this."

"I'll order for you then,"

Before I could retaliate, our waitress had come back with a bottle of wine, two crystal clear glasses, and the top two buttons of her shirt undone.


Did she really do that for Kaden? What an imbecile. It's hard not to see that he's good looking, but really, you need to go to and show off your boobs to get the attention of someone who's obviously on a date.

No, I'm not jealous, but I do find it horrendously inappropriate and unprofessional to be acting like a middle schooler.

Leaning over, ever so slightly, so to make sure Kaden could see all of her cleavage, she spoke. "Qui si va miele. Have you decided what you would like to eat?" (A/N: those are two different sentences.)

Now highly aggravated, I answered her question. "Yes. WE have decided. Why don't you tell her babe?" I looked at him and reached over to put my hand on top of his, rubbing the back of it with my thumb. As I look over at her I give her a sickly sweet smile, her entire face turns into a frown. After giving me a dirty look, she once again faced Kaden.

"Ci sia prendiamo la alfredo fettuccine di pollo."

After scribbling down whatever he had said she replied back to him. "Va bene, fammi sapere quando si vuole uscire con una donna vera."

"Grazie, ma la mia data è reale come si arriva."

She stomps away in a huff, taking our menus along with her.

Why that gives me so much satisfaction, I have no idea. Either way, it made me grin evilly as I took my hand away from Kaden's and placed it by my side.

I wonder what he said to her...

"Jealousy, it's a bitch."


"Don't worry, your cute when your jealous."

"I'm not jealous."

"Then what do you call that?" He rested his elbows on the table, searching my eyes for a response.

"That was just me keeping her in check. She was being quite disrespectful, immature, and completely unprofessional."

Leaning in, he dropped his voice to a loud whisper. "What ever you want to call it, but we both know that your jealous that she was into me."

"Whatever." I knew he wasn't going to drop it, so I left it at that and changed the subject. "So you do know Italian."

"Yes I do. Never said that I didn't."

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