Little time together

Depuis le début

Pete being shy didn't have many friends and Ae would always be there for him. Sometimes Pete would visit Ae when he will be busy with football practice. Ae's college friends knew Pete and they were always there for helping him whenever he would be in trouble.

After Pete was graduated, Ae tried to spend most of his times with his friends but he would miss Pete and started to visit his house more often. He would spend his weekend with Pete watching movies, playing video games and sometimes going out for a drive. Both the families never had any issue with these two going out with each other since they were friends from childhood.

End of flashback

It was almost lunch time when the three walked out of the room. The maid came to inform them that the lunch was ready to be served. Yim dragged them both to the dining hall saying that she wanted to have food soon so that they could go to have ice-cream.

The lunch was lively as they talked and teased each other. Yim was in hurry to finish food and started to nag both the boys saying that they are too slow to eat. Everybody watching this little girl was laughing at the way she was behaving.

After finishing the meal, they went outside to have ice-cream. Yim was jumping in joy all the way. After entering the ice-cream parlor, they occupied a table next to window and ordered their favorite flavors.

Ae looked at Pete who was all happy and smiling. He silently prayed that this smile will remain the same forever. He was casually looking outside when he saw his brother Ohm. He was talking to someone. Ae's eyes were glued to them as he watched Ohm hug and kiss the girl. He was angry and wanted to rush out of the parlor and ask his brother about his relationship status with that girl but his attention was diverted when Pete called his name. He looked at Pete who was wearing a confused expression. "Ae, are you alright?" Pete's voice was full of concern. He had seen the change in expression on Ae's face. "Umm... Err.. Yes... I just... I just thought that I saw one of our old friends. But turns out he is someone else." Ae lied.

Their order arrived and they got busy enjoying the smooth creamy texture. Ae was pretending that everything was fine while storm was going on in his head. After finishing they returned back home and Ae soon left with an excuse of friend's urgent call.

After reaching home, he inquired whether Ohm was already back. When the maids informed him that Ohm was in the study room, he didn't waste time and rushed towards the room. He pushed the door open little harshly and entered the room. "Could you be little gentle with the door?" Ohm asked. "Who was that girl with you? I saw you both hugging and kissing in the afternoon near the ice cream parlor." Ae accused. "Well, I broke up with her. Wasn't it you who told me to give Pete one chance? I had to do it so that I could spend some time with Pete." Ohm clarified. Ae eyed him suspiciously, "I hope you are not lying!" Ae spoke in a doubtful tone. "Well, I am going out with Pete tomorrow. I'll inform dad to contact his family. Happy?" Ohm asked. Ae stood their trying to see through Ohm's intentions. He couldn't believe that Ohm could change in such a short span of time.

Without uttering anything further, Ae walked out of the study room and made his way towards his bedroom. He shut the door behind and lay on bed thinking about the whole thing. He felt that something was fishy and decided to follow Ohm tomorrow for a date. He was worried for Pete, since he didn't trust his brother after he left Pete alone on the first date.

Ohm informed his father that he was taking Pete for movie and asked him to contact the Pitchaya family. Senior Intouch was happy thinking that Ohm was taking first steps towards the relationship. He called the Pitchaya family immediately and informed them about Ohm's plan.

Patchara walked into Pete's bedroom where he was reading something. "Pete, Ohm wants to take you for a movie tomorrow." She informed. Pete nodded slightly and got back to reading. He was bit worried since the last time nothing went fine.

Pete's POV

Mae informed me about Ohm taking me on a movie date. I am anxious, firstly, our first date didn't go well, secondly, I don't know what will happen this time. Should I tell Ae about it? Will Ae be there with me if something goes wrong?

I was thinking of calling Ae when my cell phone started ringing. I picked it up after recognizing the familiar ringtone that I had only set for Ae's number. I pressed the answer button and placed it near the ear and before I could say anything, Ae blurted, "Pete, are you free tomorrow?" I felt sad as I was already informed that Ohm was taking me out tomorrow and Ae wanted to spend time with me. What should I do? "Ummmm, Ae...... Ohm is taking me out tomorrow. I'll let you know when I get free." I replied. "Oh!! How sweet! Where are you two going tomorrow?" Ae asked me. I wish I had known where Ohm would be taking me except that we are going for a movie.

"Ae, I don't know where exactly he is taking me, but mom informed me that he had planned of watching a movie." I spoke giving him all the details I had. "Hmm... Okay then. Let me know when you are free." Ae said and disconnected the call.

He didn't say bye and neither did I get a chance to say so. Was he upset? Going out with Ohm is already scaring me. May be I could message Ae the location when I come to know about it. I don't know if Ae will be there but it's better if he knows in case I end up the same way like last time.

Ae's POV

Call me wicked but this is how I am when it comes to Pete. When Phi told me that he is taking Pete out tomorrow for a movie date, I wanted to confirm about it. I was debating to myself whether I should call Pete or not but then I shut all thoughts out and dialed his number. He answered promptly and hearing his voice made my disturbed self calm down. Every time I hear him talk, it would help relax. I have learnt this fact from our early days and that was the reason I had grown so used to him.

Pete confirmed that Phi is taking him out tomorrow. So, I'll have to keep an eye over him and follow him so that I'll know where he is headed to. You may think I am nosy, but I am just concerned about this very delicate friend of mine. I might ask Can to tag along for some fun but then, he has loose mouth. He'll blurt out everything and might get me in trouble. I guess, I'll be on my own. But I'll have to do this for Pete. I cannot let Phi hurt him like he does for others. Pete is really soft and that bothers me a lot.

In past, I have met many of Phi's ex and they all had only one thing to say – Phi is really very rude person. I have known my brother for long and I can't deny what they spoke. Not to mention, he is even cold sometimes. I too had my share of Phi's grumpy episodes. That's the reason, por and mae were always worried about him.

Third person POV

The dinner in the Intouch family was all silent since the elder son had already spoken that he was going to take Pete for a movie and as much as the Senior Intouch wanted to speak, he kept quiet thinking he might ruin everything. On the other hand, Ae was busy planning about following Ohm.

He finished his dinner and informed his parents that he was going out his friends tomorrow morning and will not be home till late. His parents nodded in response and Ae rushed to his bedroom. He wanted to rest properly so that he will have enough energy to deal with everything tomorrow. Ohm taking Pete for a date was like storm warning for Ae.

My brother in law❓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant