Chapter-7 The torture

Start from the beginning

"What about you?"

Luke kept eating for some time before he started speaking, "I belong to that privileged category of people. We were rich and everything was given to us in a golden spoon. But it's not as good as it sounds."

"Why?" I mumbled.

"People stay with you for money, you cannot trust anyone, not even your friends."


I couldn't trust anyone either, the only difference is I'll be hunted down if people know my secret.

We ate the whole dinner in silent, none of us spoke.

"You can take the room, I'll take the couch," Luke mumbled again.

Why does he care, it's not like I haven't stayed in worser places than this? I've slept in the forest, streets and wherever a person is not sleeping. I've survived so far, I can survive this too, can't I?

I shook my head, "I'm fine with the couch, if you could give me a blanket and pillow that would be helpful."

"I'll bring them."

Settling myself in the couch, I waited for Luke to bring the blankets.

"You sure?" he asked handing me the blankets.

"Good night," I mumbled snuggling inside the blanket. I felt Luke look at me for a second before he left me alone with my thoughts.

Twenty-nine days more to go with me being human. I have to find a temporary job.

♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

"I'm sorry Luna, I have to do this for your good. If this torture will stop you from running away from your destiny, then I'll keep doing it," whispered as she brought the iron stick towards me.

At first it hurt, it still does but I'm used to it. It's their way of punishing me for running away instead of killing. Since they died for me, those hundred spirits get to torture and inflict pain on me however they can.

I haven't met all the hundred spirits; I've met only seven of them so far. Charlotte was the village head who started this Curse, she was the first living sacrifice. She was forty when she killed herself, followed by her loyal followers, they reached the count of hundred only on the tenth day.

"Aunt don't do that, it's not fair," Emily pleaded holding her aunt back from hurting me.

Emily, the only spirit friend who's not fond of the idea of hurting me. She sacrificed herself in the hope of having a better future for her kid, she was twenty-one when she killed herself. She's the only person who made sure that I don't go insane after their series of torture.

The thing about this torture is, I'll feel the pain and everything they do is very much real but once they are done there'll be no wounds and scars. There will not be a single evidence of such thing ever happened. But the pain remains till the invisible wound heals.

"I don't want to do that to her to Emily dear but she has to go meet her destiny, hundreds of us didn't die for nothing. There's a reason she's born for, she should full fill it," Charlotte shook her head acting like she feels pity for me.

Even for a second if she felt bad, she wouldn't be torturing me every day. They can torture me only when I sleep, that's the only golden card I have here. There has been months where I went without sleep afraid of the torture.

But me being a vampire and not feeding blood made me weaker than the rest, I needed sleep to be sane. I was the anomality who was born with a heartbeat like a human. Vampires have a heartbeat too and they can consume human foods too but in order to survive they need to constantly feed on human blood.

And that is why I am different from the rest, I am a vampire but I don't need human blood to survive, I can live even by consuming just the regular human foods. Probably this was the only better thing that happened because of the curse, since I was born due to the hatred people had for vampires, I get to live like a human with vampire powers.

The reason I never consume meat is because of these spirits, they thought me eating meat might make my vampire side blood thirsty so they taught me the hard way to stop eating meat. I don't even want to remember that.

"Don't," I pleaded knowing way to well that I won't be able to escape this pain.

"I have to do this for you Luna," Liar, she's torturing me, trying to break me apart to make me her killing machine.

"I'm sorry," Emily whispered.

Charlotte snapped her fingers and just like every other time, my body froze like I've been tied up by some invisible force. She brought the hot iron rod as she burned my toes followed by my thighs.

I wanted to scream in pain, cry for help but I won't. Me screaming makes her act of torture more enjoyable for her. I bit my lip and started counting the numbers.

This will end soon; she can't hurt me once the clock hits five. Spirits have their time spot too; they cannot have any physical contact with me before three and after five. The rest of the time, they can talk to me and I can hear them too but I always chose to ignore them.

I can endure this two hour of torture. I've endured it for years; I can endure it today too. Fisting my hands, gritting my teeth, I counted for the time to run faster. I can do this, it's not new. 


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