( We know falling in love is not in our hands with whom we fall in love what's their caste, religion, race etc., all that doesn't bother us it's just a magical moment But when you enter into a relationship it involves the emotions of two people so one alone shouldn't decide what others decisions could be. A decision should be mutual whatever the reason it may be. If falling in love isn't in our hands but strengthening a relationship is definitely in our hands so don't lose your love for petty reasons)

Both Arjun and Samrat came there Samrat somehow understood that something had happened again between Manik and Nandini

What happened to Baby doll and Muku? Are you playing a staring game? he chuckled at his lame joke

Stop your lame jokes Azzu you both took a lot more time to come out from your boy's time Mukti said rolling her eyes

But Samrat's patience is wearing off so he asked Nandini.

Nandu dear why you people are waiting here it's so cold here you could have sit in the car. What is Mr Malhotra doing here?  He enquired Nandini by glaring at Manik

Nandini could feel the frequency in the voice of his overprotective best friend and she doesn't have the energy to take one more plight between Samrat and Manik and Arjun doesn't have any idea about Manik.

Nothing Sammy. It's just Mr Malhotra is having a word with Mukti so that's the reason we stayed for a minute or two so. Before she could continue Arjun jumped into the conversation by placing his hands on Nandini's waist this was all seen by Manik but this time jealousy wasn't glimpsed only disappointment is seen simply.

Nandu darling! What could be that Mr Malhotra discusses with Mukti Arjun questioned Nandini? She isn't prepared for the answer 

She's my sister Mr.? Manik interrupted them wearing his attitude on his sleeves

Jones, Arjun Jones Arjun replied with his ever so charming smirk

Priya's POV:

This Arjun is as hot as fuck I should admit this Nandini has managed to woo the most handsome dudes. I was trying my all ways to lure Manik and here she didn't do anything yet they're enchanted by her
Now it's high time. I need to discuss with Uncle (Manik's Dad) about our marriage. I have to marry Manik ASAP or else she'll snatch Manik from me

Nice meeting you Mr Jones Mukti and Nandini spoke a lot about you Manik faked to which he earned a glare from both Mukti and Nandini whereas Samrat was confused about what might have these both discussed with him about Arjun

I hope some good things about me, Mr Malhotra.
I can understand Mukti as she's your sister and about Nandini, you knew her before? Arjun asked Manik by tightening his grip on her waist

By seeing this Manik gritted his teeth out of anger but he calmed his anger for sake of Nandini. He can't upset Nandini anymore, now

Yes! I know her before( Nandini, Mukti and Samrat glared at Manik but Manik is Manik their glares are unaffected to them and continued she's my sweet sister's best friend so I know about her through Mukti Manik covered. By their glares, he got to know that Arjun isn't aware of Nandini's past so he took a chance to know more about him closely
They all sighed in relief that Manik didn't disclose anything about their past

Okay and nice to meet you, Mr Malhotra Arjun said genuinely by forwarding his hand to Manik

Same here I'm not even that old to call Mr Malhotra, call me Manik.  By saying this Manik instead of shaking their hands he took him for a hug

The same applies to you Manik, call me Arjun. He said with a smile

Both of them were behaving like long lost friends this was shocking to the rest of them but Samrat was fuming because his friend believing in the wrong person whereas Nandini and Mukti were worried about what if Arjun gets to know about the person who cheated Nandini was none other than the Manik. This was eating them they both know-how Arjun is possessive about Nandini. And top of that Manik has invited all of them to his house for dinner out of Priya's annoyance

Here both Nandini and Mukti has a gut feeling that something is gonna change

To be continued.......

No proofreading avoid mistakes if any found

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