Chapter 10

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"Aftermath Eruption: The Carnival

"After Ben, Bella and Sirin have become valkyries of Schicksal, they were shocked to learn that Ben's parents, Cecilia and Siegfried along with Kiana were watching their battle simulations, even Cecilia is becoming a teacher of St. Freya Academy to help Ben, Bella and Sirin in their classes more better, yet, they were now heading to a carnival that's was opening today, as the Kaslana's were living in St. Freya for a while, they were going to a carnival that Kiana told them about, the carnival was outside of Soukai city, while they were walking to the carnival, Ben looked up at the stars, as it made him feel calmed about them, Bella was holding his hand during their walk"

"Something had passed as they reached the carnival and noticed there's was a large line of humans, yet, there's was a line, where valkyries and knights were allowed into the carnival for free, they went to it, yet, as Ben was going to enter the carnival, he was stopped by some security guards of the carnival'

Security guard: Sorry kid, but only valkyries and knights are allowed in for free..... *Looks at him*

Ben: !!! H-huh?!

"Siegfried looked behind him and noticed the guard didn't let his son though to the carnival, Siegfried approached the guard"

Siegfried: Sir, please don't worry he's with us, and he's my son

"The security guard looked at Siegfried, he was surprised and shocked to hear that, this kid is Siegfried Kaslana's son, yet, he made a mistake as he didn't notice that Ben has white hair just like him"

Security guard: !!! U-uhm..... My apologies, Mr. Kaslana, please go right ahead

"The security guard stepped out of Ben's way, as Ben goes into the carnival with Siegfried, Bella was waiting for him as they quickly caught up with the others, who were talking about what they should do in the carnival, Kiana wanted to some of the carnival food, yet, Ben told her that they'll eat some of the food, yet, some looked unhealthy, Ben noticed there's a lot of humans around here, and different rides around the carnival"

Ben: So many different games and food, we could be here for a while.....

Kiana: So...... What games are we going to be playing first.....?

Sirin: That one!!

"They looked at what Sirin was pointing at, and it's was a balloon dart booth, Ben, Bella and Sirin goes to the booth, Ben looked at the different kinds of toys that you could win, Ben noticed a Benares dragon plushie and a Homu plushie"

???: Come up, and come all, and test your aim on these balloons and win some prizes!!

"There's different balloons were ordered, on the very bottom were large balloons as they're pretty easy to pop, and to the last balloon is the super tiny ones, you would need to have a really good accuracy in order to pop them, Ben, Bella and Sirin walked towards the booth and the man saw them"

???: Pay 10 dollars and get three darts to pop the balloons, the smallest balloon, the bigger the prize....

"Ben, Bella and Sirin were kinda curious to be honest, as they gave the man, 10 dollars as the man gave them three darts to each of them, Sirin goes first as she popped some large balloons and medium ones, Bella popped large and medium as well, yet, Bella didn't manage to get the Benares dragon as it's her dragon form, she was sad, Ben was the last one with his three darts, Ben looked at the super tiny balloons as he was taking a deep breath, he wants to get that Benares plushie for Bella, Ben threw his three darts to the three super tiny balloons and was able to pop them, the man in the booth was shocked to see all three super tiny balloons were popped"

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