Chapter 2 (Remake)

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"Aftermath Eruption: Family Reunion Part 1

"it's been two years had passed since Ben had found Bella in Siberia, Ben and Bella had stayed for at least one night in Siberia before they would leave the snow plains of Siberia, Ben and Bella would be living in Soukai city, though they would have to be careful to not be noticed by humanity, it was another sunny day as Ben and Bella were walking together in the streets till they would notice a few valkyries, Bella remembers that she was injured by one valkyrie that broke her core"

"Ben looks at her as he caresses Bella's head, Bella was blushing as she looks at him, Ben would be smiling softly at her"

Ben: You shouldn't be worrying about them, Bella, as long as you wouldn't be annoying them, we'll be alright

Bella: Dummy.... *Blushes*

"Ben would keep caressing Bella's head as Bella looks at him, Ben looks at her as Bella smiled softly at him, thry would hold their hands together as they would walk passed the valkyries without being recognized, they would continue walking in the streets as they would enter into a grocery store, as they were making sure to keeping a low profile without being recognized by humanity"

Ben: Perhaps, we should get this done, besides we would figure out what to make for dinner, right Bella? *looks at her*

Bella: *nods* Mhm, let's just get the things we would need for dinner, without being known by anyone

"Ben would noticed shopping cart as he approached it, he would insert the coin as he would hold it and push it back, Ben and Bella would be going in the store as Ben would pushing the cart, they would be looking around the store to look what's available in the shelfs, they would grab a few things for dinner as they would continue looking around the store"

Ben: Hmm, I'm going to grab some vegetables, I'll be back soon, my dear Bella, you just keep looking around for anything to make for dinner

"Bella looks at him and nods as she would continue looking for anything to eat for dinner back home, Ben would leave the shopping cart with Bella as he would walk back aIsle in the store, till he would reach the section for the vegetables, he would grabbed a plastic bag and opens it as he would grab some vegetables and putting them into his bag, as he had picked enough vegetables for the bag as he would tie it for the vegetables to fall from the bag, as he was about to walk back to Bella, he would accidentally bumped into someone as he would fall down on the floor, as his bags would be dropped on the floor"

Ben: I-I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking, my apologies for bumping into you.... *puts his hand on his head*

???: Nono, it's alright, I should've been the one that be looking where I've been going

"Ben would be shocked as he recognized the familiar voice, he looks up as he saw it was Cecilia Schariac, his mother, Cecilia looked shocked and surprised as she was looking at her loving son that was missing for quite a long time"

"Ben would be shocked as he recognized the familiar voice, he looks up as he saw it was Cecilia Schariac, his mother, Cecilia looked shocked and surprised as she was looking at her loving son that was missing for quite a long time"

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