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A/N: Hey, this is my first story on here, uhm, I'll try and update as often as I can.....Hope you enjoy it c:              feel free to give me pointers on how to improve my writing, uh, have fun.

~A visit from Mr. President~

Right when the clock struck twelve in the afternoon. Right when the guys were about to leave for lunch. Right when they thought that their morning shift was over. That's when he walked through the door.

All of the guys were shocked, as the man before them took a seat at the table which they were all situated at. But of all the men there, Hawk was the worst, a stuttering man in front of the President. Although, a swift kick to the shins from Kootra sorted that problem out.

"Okay men, I know that I've never really been introduced to any of you before, besides Mr. Mathewson." He started before getting interrupted by a very nervous Kootra.

"I go the name 'Kootra' at work, Sir." He stated simply, not meeting the eyes of the president.

"None of that 'sir' business Kootra, I go by Obama when I'm with my fellow companions" He told the group smiling, "Anyway the reason I'm here," he held his hand out to the man besides him, who gave him a folder.

He opened it up, presenting a photo of a young male, seemingly only in his late teens or his early twenties.

"This is Aleksandr Marchant, known to the public and ourselves as Vitalyevich. He originated in Russia, but got adopted at a young age by a lovely couple here in the states. He has been on our radar for quite some time now, but recently his killings have become more frequent. There's a pattern in his killings, they're all men in their late forties, which of course could be a coincidence. But anyway, we're putting this case in your hands, our most trusted team. But, you need to bring him in before he causes more damage." He told the guys, who had been hanging onto his every word.

Kootra nodded slowly, listening to the President's words, before turning to his team. They all nodded in response, but then he turned to Sea for his response, and the whole group knew that Sea's opinion mattered the most to Kootra.

"Well, I think that our team can do it. Sure, we'd have to work harder, and be at work a lot more than was first intended. But, I honestly believe that we can do it. Nova?" He turned to the curly-haired man who was sat besides him.

"My team can do it, can't we boys?" He looked pointedly at the two males, Ze and Spoon, who were sat to the left of him. After a minute of quite discussion, both boys nodded simultaneously.

"Well, I just go my van fixed since somebody-" Dex said, looking pointedly over at Nova "left a huge dint in the side. So travelling won't be a problem."

Bat stood up, and looked over to the President "I'll go and see what I can find out from civilians around the streets. He's in Denver right?" 

The President nodded, so Bat left quickly and quietly to see what he can find out from the people of Denver. 

All eyes turned on Hawk, who shook softly under their penetrating gazes.

"A-all of the amour and weapons are intact and also, I got some bulletproof vests, which are more lightweight that the other ones I had." Hawk explained, all the men nodded in appreciation at the help that the teen was to the group.

Just then the two IT additions to the group ran into the room, eyes full of excitement.

"We've got out cameras on Bat working, apparently he's at that club alot, you know, the one near the bus stop?" Yabae told them, the rest of the group nodding.

Joe took over Yabae, and started talking instead "Well, over ten people have said that they've saw him there at least once, and it was always a Friday."

The group nodded, once again and the President smiled at the two men in front of him.

"You work fast, I like that." He told Yabae and Joe, before turning so he could see the whole group again, "Well, I've got to run now, can't keep the missus waiting," He said with a chuckle "I hope you catch him soon, try not to hurt yourselves in the process. I believe in you lot, I know you can do it. I've gotta go now though, goodbye." He said to the ten men in front of him, before leaving the men to themselves.

James' POV:

I turned to Kootra , waiting for his command.

"This one's going to be hard Nova, I hope it doesn't get to much." Kootra told me, before turning to Hawk who was flicking through the file, which the President had left on the table.

"Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant, preferred Aleks when he was in school. But now goes by Vitalyevich, or sometimes Immortal. He killed his da- no, step-dad at the age of sixteen, and he's nineteen, soon to be turning twenty. He's been on their radar for almost four years, and they haven't caught him yet."  Kootra told us all, before turning to me.

"I think you'll be best for this one, Nova. But, obviously we'll be here if you need any help." Sea told me, I nodded understanding completely what they wanted me to do.

Win the trust of this boy, make him take all of his walls. Make him trust me with everything he is, and then tear him down, break him into little pieces, by giving him into the government,

Getting to know them is the worst part of this job, i swear.

"But James," I hissed as Kootra used my real name, "Nova, we need to know that you'll be able to cope, not only physically but mentally as well. We can't have you getting to attached to him, because, you'll eventually need to give him up." He told me softly, I nodded.

"Why would I?! Don't worry about it, it'll all be under control. I swear." I told the group confidently, even though I wasn't too sure about this myself.

I shuddered at the memory of the only man I've ever trusted, the only person I had ever loved, the only one I had ever been completely comfortable with. Who turned out to be the murderer that we were looking for all along.

I won't let it happen again                                                                                                                                      

I can't let it happen again.                                                                                                                                      

I refuse to let this guy get under my skin.

That's something that I need to make sure of.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this, it was short....I know. Anyhow, if you liked it, you could vote and comment? Thankyou!

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