Chapter One Hundred Two

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“No problem. You heard anything from Arrow?”

“Nope. He's got his own little investigation going. He said he'll make contact when he has something, so I'm just waiting.”

He nods again and before we can discuss the matter any further, we're thrown into work again. It's busy until we clock out and Dani and I head to Sam's office.

Sam asks Dani about the new house and if there's any news on that.

I see the smile on Dani's face as she explains, “We're just waiting for the sale to complete.”

“You look pleased about that. How do you feel about the move?”

“Good, actually.”

“Happy even?”

“Maybe. I'm not sure if I know what that feels like to be honest.”

“I think you don't remember how to recognize that feeling. Think back to one of the good memories you had with your parents...”

I always know when Dani is accessing the pictures in her mind. She has this look on her face, like she's intently watching a movie on fast forward. That's what she told me it's like. She can flick through the memories of her life like it's a fast movie. That is the weirdest thing ever.

“When my momma used to teach me to dance. She was so patient with me and she always made me laugh.”

There's the most beautiful smile on Dani's face right now. It's a smile I don't think I've seen before.

Sam interrupts my thoughts, “That is a happy thought. You look happy right now, just thinking about that memory. Now, think about the moments you've had with Eli and his family. Are there any moments that make you feel the same way?”

I see Dani blush a little, but she dips her head so we can't see it. I hear Sam chuckle, “I'll take that as a yes, then. Don't worry, I won't ask you to tell me the memories. I'll let you keep the happy ones to yourself. But, it does show you know how to be happy. You just don't recognize the feeling. Maybe try comparing the moments to the ones you just remembered and see if they compare. Then you'll know if you feel happy. So, how did looking at the new house make you feel?”

Dani hesitates and then says, “Happy. It makes me think of my parents.”

“How so?”

“My poppa was going to take us to see that house. He was so pleased with himself. But the accident happened before we could go.”

“Wow. That is amazing. We could write a book about your life, Dani. Not sure if people would believe all of it, but still. You've had some pretty amazing coincidences. What are the odds at you finding the same place your dad looked at?”

“In Yorkville? Probably one in a few thousand. In New York? One in a few million. I don't have the actual figures, as the true number of places of residence aren't kept anywhere officially...”

I chuckle at the truthful answer Dani gives. She looks puzzled as she glances my way, like she doesn't realize what she just did.

“Did I do something wrong?”

“No baby. Your mind just amazes me more every day. I don't think Sam was actually asking for specific statistics, although it is very cool you can just do that.”

“Oh. Sorry.”

Sam recovers from her shock, “No problem. I think it is very amazing that you can do that. I know having your mind isn't always an easy thing, but it is a true gift. I wasn't expecting an answer like that. You really are something special.”

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