Chapter 3: Lunch Talk

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At lunch, Rose found Gaz sitting at a table with Mandy, Tak, a red haired boy, and Mr. Grim.

"Why is Grim here, and who's he?" Rose said and pointed at the red haired boy.

"That's...Billy. And Grim made a deal with us years ago so now he's stuck being our slave forever." Mandy said.

"HI!" Billy said to everyone. He had a red cap and a large nose.

"Can I go now?" Grim asked. Mandy nodded. Grim leaves, and Mandy goes to the restroom.

Rose and Tak glance at each other and have an idea.

"Okay Billy, spill it!" Tak said.

"Spill it? Like my milk carton? I can do that!" Billy said.

"Tak means tell us about you and Mandy. Are you guys together or what?" Rose asked.

"We're best friends!" Billy said. Then he looked around to make sure nobody was watching or listening to him. "Don't tell Mandy but...I have a crush on her." Billy said.

"I knew it." Rose and Tak said. Gaz rolled her eyes.

A few minutes later Mandy comes back. "All right, what'd I miss?" Mandy said. Rose and Tak didn't know what to say.

"Nothing. We were talking about people we hate." Gaz spoke up. Suddenly...

"GAZ!" A boy yelled. Gaz fell over.

"Speaking of." Gaz muttered.

"Dib! Ugh." Tak said.

"Who's he?" Mandy sighed.

"My stupid brother, Dib." Gaz said and glared at Dib.

"You gotta help me! Zim and some green girl are chasing me-" Said Dib.

"Woah woah woah. Did you say...a girl was chasing you? HA!" Tak laughed.

Then Zim and Vendetta appeared. "COME HERE DIB-STINK!" Zim yelled and DIb ran away with them chasing him. Billy, Rose and Tak laughed while Mandy and Gaz rolled their eyes.

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