The Series Finale

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"Get off me!" Tommy yelled. "Let go of my brother and sister."

"My powers work out here, or did you forget?" Mom said.

"No, dear. I'm counting on it." Agnes said. The boys look at each other and try to run. But she pulls them back knocking them to the ground. I struggle to get her off of me.

"No!" Mom yells and throws a ball of energy. Agnes get blown back and I get up and run to the boys coughing, trying to catch my breath. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked them. They both nodded.

"Go to your room." Mom said.

"No way, Mom. We're staying with you." Tommy said.

"Come on, Mom, we can help." Billy added.

"We need to go." I said to them.

"Listen to your mother and sister, boys." Agnes calls.

"Now." Mom says. Tommy runs us into the house. When we got to their room I grabbed a wet, cold towel and dabbed it on their neck. 

"Are you okay?" I asked them again. Billy took the towel from my hand and did the same thing I did to them back to me. "Thank you." 

"Yeah we're fine." Tommy answered. I hug them both tightly and sigh. 

"I'm sorry I didn't protect you." I apologize. 

"We're sorry we didn't stay upstairs with you." I laugh and squeeze them a little tighter. We looked outside to see a thing that looks like Dad but white holding onto Moms head. "Mom." Tommy called. But suddenly it was thrown back. 

"Dad!" I called relieved. Suddenly they separate. Dad goes for the white machine. Mom goes for Agnes. 

"We need to help them." Billy said about to run to the door. 

"Woah, where are you going?" I say stopping him.

"To help." Tommy answered.

"Mom said to stay here." I explain. "I need to be able to protect you this time." I say.

"We have powers." Tommy said.

"What? You have super-speed and you are a telepath. You guys don't have the proper training." I say. 

"That's harsh." Tommy said.

"We need to help our parents, Y/N." Billy begs me.

"NO!" I yell. They go to look out the window.

"Can you see them any more?" Billy asks.

"No." There was a pause. "Hey what... what's wrong?" I look up and see Billy's eyes close. His eyes open quickly.

"We gotta go." He yells. 

"Wait," I stopped them. "What's going on?" I ask.

"Mom's being defeated." He says. 

"Not on my watch, lets go." I walked out and they followed.

When we get there Mom is in the middle of the street letting down a force field. The boys fall to the ground. I hit the ground with them to help. 

"Mom!" I yelled.

"Mom!" Billy.

"Help, Mom!" Tommy screamed. 

"Now, do you see?" Agnes says. "You tied your family to this twisted world, now one can't exist without the other."

"Mom!" The three of us yell.

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