Chapter 1

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5 O'clock.
That meant I had been waiting for the last 4 hours, but he had yet to show up.

I rolled my body of the couch, and wormed my way through the clusters of middle aged people that were milling around my living room, laughing and cracking the same corny jokes I have heard every Sunday for the last couple years.

Before leaving the room, I peaked through the corner of the blinds sending a quick prayer that he would suddenly appear, making the last hours of boredom worth the pain.

Why did the only person I care to see, be the only one who never showed up?

Tears stung the corners of my eyes as anger and confusion began to seep in. Because every time i met his grey, metallic eyes, my heart broke that bit more. Becouse what I saw in his eyes seemed to reflect my own.

Longing. Desperation. An intense craving for something that you know is forbidden.

I was completely infatuated with my father's new friend.

Frustrated, I slowly walked up the stairs, turning my head to check when I heard the slam of the door. I silently watched as a stream of guests thanked my parents and began to make their way outside. Dejected, I entered my room and collapsed on the bed with a large groan, and smothered my face in the plush pillow.

"Oh Nikolai..."

Does he not want to see me? I just couldn't understand why he had been a no show at my parents get togethers the past couple weeks. Each week I had anxiously waited, hoping that he would show up, just so that I could be close to him. He didn't even have to speak to me, for god's sake! I justed wanted to be near him, even for a couple hours.

The amount of stress that he puts me through should be illegal.

Actually, so should his face...
Not only did he pull off the "I'm the sexiest Man you've ever seen" look, but he also had the perfect body to match.

Well, I guess that was only assumption, becouse God knows I haven't gotten close enough to see him without clothes on. Not that i haven't dreamed about it every night for the last few months.

At this point I've licked and sucked on every inch of his imaginary abs, and kissed every space of flesh on his body, leaving deep purple marks across his skin, to show that he belongs to me and only me.

Grabbing a pair of yoga pants, I slipped off the white dress that I meticulously chose this morning. For Niko, might I add.

I sucked in as I pulled the sweatpants up my body.


Was this a sign that I had to start laying off the cookies and cream smoothies? Nah, I just probably ate a bit to much at lunch today.

If the ultimate extravaganza downstairs could be called a simple "lunch".

I pulled up the straps on my red crop top, making sure it was secure. I didn't need that type of attention from the last remaining guests while I did my workout in the yard. Well, except perhaps for one.

I precariously balanced my phone, workout mat and drink bottle, as I made my way downstairs and towards the kitchen.

I put one foot into the living room, but it had cleared out by now, leaving behind a mountain of mess, and silently gave thanks to the brave cleaning team that I knew would be arriving very soon.

I walked into the kitchen, and pried opened the fridge to fill up my water bottle.

This shit was getting old. My parents could pay for regular expensive parties that rivaled Hollywoods best, but still forgot about fixing the handles on the fridge.

I vaguely realised that the room had gone silent and cursed myself. Now I was going to have to play nice with a bunch of random people, introduce myself and exchange numbers with them. At this point, I hardly recognise any of the contacts on my phone.

Taking a deep breath, I plastered on a fake smile and stepped out from behind the protective shield of the fridge door.


Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fucking Shittle Fuckers.

Becouse standing opposite my parents, was the most gorgeous man alive.

Who was silently staring at me with his wise and intense gun metal eyes, completely focused on me.

Hi guys, I just began this story and would love to hear feedback from you all. It's hard to know if people like the story from stats alone, so please feel free to message me with your opinion or to ask questions.

Hope you enjoy the story! Xx

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