Chapter 4

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I walk past Mike and William towards the parts and services door, "where are you going?" William asks looking up at me. "To check on Fredbear" I say "he's most likely going to feel awful" William nods
"His springlocks are easy to trigger, so I understand" he says and the kid goes to give him a big hug.

I walk out to see Goldie sitting at a table, they look up at me "Fr3db3@r 15 1n th3 0ffic3, h3 cl053d b0th 0f th3 d00r5 50 n0 0n3 c@n g3t 1n. H3 @l50 cpv3r3d th3!gl@55 50 1 d0n't kn0w wh@t'5 g01ng 0n 1n th3r3" Goldie says. I pause then teleport myself into the office, the windows appear to be covered in oil... I hear a malfunctioning noise, I look down to see that all of Fredbear's springlocks have been triggered. "Fredbear!" I yell crouching down over him, I stand up and open the office doors and lean back over my friend once again. "William! Come here now!" I call out. Goldie and William rush into the office as fast as possible, "what happened?" William asks crouching beside us, "I don't know!" I say keeping close to Fredbear.

-^- I'm ending this chapter here, word count 210

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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