"I don't think so," Ambrosia whispered once she knew he was out of hearing reach. Kaz nudged her in the side with his elbow and jokingly shook his head at her.

"My upmost apologies," Ambrosia mocked, "I'll shut up."

"Good girl," she blushed lightly at his remark.

The two then walked back up the stairs together and planned on waiting for Inej. That was until fire caught Ambrosia's eyes and she grabbed Kaz's hand and led him in the direction of the crowd with a giddy smile. She watched with bright eyes as two Infernis flung fire across the room at each other, she even joined in on the applauding.

"It's reflective glass," Kaz informed the two girls the moment Inej appeared in the doorway with them. "Bounce the light into that, and people won't know whether it's coming or going." They both knew fine well he was talking about the display Alina was going to put on.

Inej sent Kaz a disbelieving look before walking away, Ambrosia watched her with pity before looking at Kaz. She looked him dead in the eye with stone cold eyes and an annoyed face before walking away to join Inej. He got the message.

"You alright?" Inej asked the stone like girl next to her.

"He really pisses me off sometimes."

Inej giggled, "don't know how you put up with him."

"Neither do I."

The room went silent as everyone watched General Kirigan and what looked to be Alina the Sun Summoner head up onto the main platform.

"Her name is Alina Starkov. And she will bring liberation to us all," Kirigan told them before stepping down to summon the shadows. A small light graced the room, blinding everyone, Ambrosia was transfixed on the way she could bend the light and controlled it to do whatever she pleased.

When the light show ended, everyone got on their knees and began praying. "Sankta Alina," the whispers filled the room. Ambrosia joined Inej on praying to Alina, the two girls shared a smile as they joined the whispers. When they were finished and everyone began to file out, Ambrosia lead Inej over to where Kaz was waiting. They didn't speak, they just watched as Alina conversed with two other Grisha.

"And the lynx flush was to smoke out Arken," Inej said after a long moment.

"Like I said, our future depends on this. We saw two identical dresses in the fitting room. The target is wearing one and an Inferni about the same height and build was measured for the other."

"They need the target for the demonstration, but at the reception, that's when they'll deploy a double for security reasons," Ambrosia continued.

"So, I let Arken go after the double while we stay on the target," Kaz said.

"Arken will get caught."

"That's the point. He chose his fate in Novokribirsk when he met with Zlatan."

"What if you're wrong?" Inej asked, "what if we sandbagged him with a lynx flush, and the meeting had nothing to do with this?"

"The only two men in the world who profit off of the Fold? Doubtful," Ambrosia told her sternly.

"Now," Kaz told the two girls and the three of them walked towards Alina as she spoke with someone else. "Miss Starkov!" She turned around, sending her a small smile which Ambrosia couldn't help but return. "We are to escort you to dinner. Could you come with us, please?" Ambrosia had to refrain from sending Kaz a questionable glance, the only person he really said please to was her.

"I thought, um....actually, I am quite hungry."

Kaz stepped to the side, allowing Alina to walk in front. They came to a stop when General Kirigan stepped in front of them, "thank you. I'll take her from here." The trio watched as he pulled out blue irises and gave them to Alina, "for you." She smelled them before linking his arm and walking off.

Storm In The Quiet |Shadow and Bone 1&2| Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now