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They were interrupted by a panicked shout, "CASSIE?"

"It's okay Jake, I'm okay." Cassie called, standing up. "Kate saved me." Before he came close enough to hear her, Cassie whispered to Kate. "You got me out with the branches, okay?"

Kate nodded. "We'll talk more later. Our secret, like we blood promised."

Jake ran up, "when I got your voice mail, I was so worried." He handed her a towel he was clutching. "What happened?"

Cassie and Kate gave him the details, with the one change about how she was rescued. When she explained how she fell in, Cassie noticed Jake scan the tree line. He was thinking the same thing she had, someone had used magic to push her into the mud and hold her there.

"Thanks for the towel and for coming to the rescue," Cassie said, forgetting she was covered in wet mud and going to hug him.

"No way! No muddy wet hugs." Jake said as he slowly backed away from her.

Cassie giggled, "are you sure? What about you Kate?"

Kate ran and hid behind Jake, using his body as a shield against Cassie's advances. "Stay away, you stink too!" She laughed.

"Hey! You're on your own!" Jake said, trying to avoid them both.

Cassie's cell phone saved her friends from her mud. "Hello?... Oh hi Adam. Kate saved me with a branch.... Jake showed up too.... Ok sorry for the alarm.... Thanks... okay bye."

Once she hung up with Adam, she took the towel Jake held out to her. With Kate's help she stripped out of the wet muddy clothing and used the towel like a dress, wrapping it around herself. "That helps a little, but I need to go home, shower and change. Do you want to come over for dinner Jake? Kate and I are cooking," Cassie invited.

"Sure, what time?" Jake asked.

Cassie looked at Kate, who answered. "Around seven should be good."

Kate got a text from Ben too, asking what happened. Kate replied that Cassie was okay and she'd explain everything later. She decided that since Cassie had kept her promise, she'd protect her too. Kate would stick to the same story about the mud that Cassie told to her friends. And she would tell her brothers that Cassie's grandmother had known John Blackwell and somehow both of them were now dead. That she found this all out, during the aftermath of her saving Cassie from near death. That would satisfy them, for now.

"Okay, see you two then. Want me to bring anything?" Jake asked.

"No we got it all covered. Thanks again Jake," Cassie added.

He nodded, "try to stay out of trouble for a while okay?"

"Yes mom."

Kate laughed. "Let's get you home Cassie. Geeze you stink."

Jake heard her and chuckled, then was gone. Cassie picked up her pile of clothing, while Kate carried her cell and jacket. On the ride back to her house, she commented, "so this means you are my half sister and your brothers are my half brothers too. I just went from being completely alone in the world, to having an extended family. Do you all have this symbol on your right hands?" Cassie asked, showing Kate the Balcoin brand.

"Yes. These marks only showed up a few days ago, but Blackwell had told us we were all related a few months earlier. Our ages are different. Zane is oldest, he's 20. Chris is his blood younger brother, who's 18. Ben and I are friends from a different town than they are. We later found out we are half siblings, born in the same year of 1995." Kate explained. "I don't want my brothers finding out about you yet. I like having a secret separate from them." She winked at Cassie.

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