"I've got to go, but later I want to go to the beach while the tide is still out and look for starfish. Will you come with me?"

Cassie nodded, "do you want to meet me at the cafe or do you want me to pick you up?"

"I'll meet you. See you later this afternoon Cassie." Kate left.

Adam came back to the table. "I see Faye and Melissa constantly using their magic. I expected you to be a little smarter than that. We don't know what or who is watching us."

"Whatever or whomever is out there, I'm not scared of any more." She leaned closer to him, so only he could hear her, "you forget, I've killed a member of my own family. Not even witch hunters had the power to do that."

Adam was shocked by what she said. Then reminded her, "you had the crystal skull and Diana helping you. Don't forget that." He got up and left.

She was mad at him and when she left the Boathouse, she ran into Faye. "Why do you have to be such a bitch?" Cassie confronted her.

Faye raised an eyebrow, "ouch. What's eating you? Oh wait that's it, no one is eating you." She laughed at her little joke.

Cassie narrowed her eyes and when she pushed past Faye, she used her magic to physically move her. It was not gentle, so Faye shoved back, with magical force too. "Don't go there Faye." Cassie warned.

Faye grinned, "threatening me are you? Two against one..." Faye nodded at Melissa.

"Watch your back Faye, we're not always going to be around to fix your messes." Cassie warned, before walking away.

Faye's laughter followed her.

Cassie's jaw clenched as she worked hard not to let her anger with Faye let her dark magic surface. One day Faye would push her too far and she would retaliate without restraint. But for now, she'd be the bigger person and fought with herself. Half of her screamed to kick Faye's ass once and for all. But the other half said no, she wasn't as childish as Faye.

Later that afternoon Kate and Cassie went down to the shore while the tide was out. They walked along the rocks, checking what sea life became exposed. Unknown to them, Faye had followed and now watched from the tree line. She was angry with how frequently Cassie was challenging her and confronting her use of magic. Faye waited until Cassie was leaning forward, balancing on a rock. Then with a magical push, she sent Cassie into the exposed mud, making it hold her there. She smiled to herself in satisfaction when the blond girl shrieked.

Faye wasn't alone in the trees, Zane had followed her. He'd had a feeling she was hiding something. After what he'd just witnessed, he knew his suspicion was right. Faye was a witch. Zane could use that and Faye's animosity towards Cassie. He too smirked and then left, following Faye away from the shore.

"Oh no Cassie!" Kate said rushing over.

"Stay back Kate, the mud is like quicksand." She managed to get upright, completely covered in stinking mud. "I can't move my legs."

"Do you want me to go get help?" Kate asked.

"Get me some branches. I'll try and free myself first. Take my cell, I don't want it ruined by mud." Cassie tossed her jacket and cell phone to Kate.

Kate ran to find branches and handed them to Cassie. But after twenty minutes, it still didn't help. "The mud is like concrete. Call Jake on my cell, see what he says. Or even Adam, they'll know what to do."

"Um Cassie? I don't want to freak you out, but the tide's coming back in." Kate said with a worried voice.

Cassie tried to turn her body enough to see the tide. It was approaching fast. "Call Jake quick!"

Kate tried to reach both Jake and Adam, she had to leave voicemail messages. With her own phone she sent a 911 text to Ben. "Ben's on his way, I couldn't reach Jake or Adam."

The water was already up to her knees. She struggled to get her legs free, but it was like she was wearing cement shoes. Kate was running around trying to get more brush, but nothing they did helped. The tide and waves pushed against Cassie's body, she was beginning to panic.

"They won't make it in time!" Cassie shouted to Kate. She'd have to use her magic, if she couldn't get out of the mud. She'd have to expose herself.

Kate knew she could save Cassie with her magic, but she was scared of using it in front of someone she barely knew. Zane would totally freak out. She tried calling everyone again, but still no one responded. She stood on the shore feeling completely pathetic, useless without her magic. A war waged inside of Kate of what to do; protect herself or help someone she was friends with.

The water rose and now was almost past Cassie's shoulders. It was cold, but the water wasn't the only darkness pushing at Cassie. She struggled in the mud, but movement made the suction worse. If she didn't use her magic soon, she'd drown. But if she did use it, Kate would know she was a witch.

Kate came to the edge of the water and looking straight into Cassie's eyes, held out her right hand's palm toward the water and said a chant. She put a barrier up between Cassie and the water. So it formed a wall. The water around Cassie was pushed away, like four walls made of living, moving ocean. They could see fish swimming by. It would've been funny, if there wasn't so much danger involved. Kate didn't know if she could hold the walls of water and at the same time get Cassie out of the mud. Her head throbbed with the magic she was using already. To Kate's surprise she saw not shock on Cassie's face, but relief and a smile. Cassie put her hands in the mud and pushed the mud away from her legs with magic. Then she levitated to shore. Once she was safe, Kate let go of the water walls and they crashed in, splashing up on the rocks they stood on.

"You're a witch!" They said in unison to each other. Then they both laughed with relief.

Kate spoke next, "please don't tell anyone. Zane will get so mad."

Cassie nodded, "I promise if you promise."

Kate got out her pocket knife and they cut their fingers, to do a blood swear. "Don't worry I don't have any STDs," Kate said.

"Neither do I!" Cassie exclaimed.

They joined cut fingers and swore they'd keep each other's secret. "It's so nice not having to hide who I really am any more. I hated lying to you." Kate confessed.

"You weren't lying, just like I wasn't. We were only leaving out some details of who we are."

Kate hugged Cassie spontaneously, "I... I just couldn't let you drown."

"And I'm glad you didn't." Then she sat on the rocks, looking at the now calm water. "Kate is John Blackwell the relative you're looking for?"  Cassie asked.

"Yes.. How did you know?" Kate wondered her eyes wide.

"Is he your father?" Cassie probed.

Kate nodded, not sure what to say. She waited for Cassie to explain. "John Blackwell was my father too. He wanted to create a circle of Balcoin blood to control. He helped witch hunters to kill the mothers of all the women he impregnated. That way we were all orphans and easily manipulated. But my mother ran away, before he could kill her. She died in a freak fire the end of last year, which I'm not completely sure now wasn't due to magic. So he came to get me, but I didn't want to leave with him, as I was living with my Grandmother. He used witch hunters to kill her too. Then he said he had summoned his other children to come here. He was working on some evil magic spell when I interrupted him accidentally. He was trying to kill witches that didn't have his blood. When I found that out, we fought. The magic he used backfired on him, he tried to attack me and use my magic. I had to kill him." Cassie bent the truth a little, still loyal to protecting her circle members.

"Wow, you've had to deal with a lot of heart ache. But you did the right thing. I bet he was the reason my parents died and same with our brothers. I always suspected he wasn't telling us the whole truth. I wanted to believe him so bad, but I had a nagging voice in my head saying not to trust him." Kate confessed.

Cassie nodded, "I wish I had your instinct. Maybe my grandmother would still be alive."

Kate shook her head, "don't do that. Don't play the what if game. It doesn't help. I just wish I'd been around to help you kill him. I hate that bastard for killing my mom."

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