o35. wannabe john wick..

Start from the beginning

"Oh, he told me everything." Sally stepped on the mined ground which was Addie's patience and took the blow of a mile radius fury which manifested its blue fire as coldness, instead of heat, ultimately redirected towards her own heart pumping blood.

"Then you must understand that I didn't mean..."

"I mustn't do anything for you, Sally," Addie cut her off, remarkably still calm. Her standing neuron of ration was emerging reminders every second that she needed to be quiet and discreet of this call, not only to not bother Barry, but also to keep their location concealed. "I owe you nothing, while you owe absolutely fucking everything for not walking inside that very night and sending you into the hospital wing filled with little children and shit adults vomiting from too much fucking candy."

Profiling the people on Barry's class was easy for Adelaide after as many lessons as she attended and as many stories as she heard from him. They all fell in a somewhat privileged category of how civilians ought to be unaccustomed and perplexed by even the slightest sign of violence, despite the overall American stigma towards unnecessary fights and wars. Hence, assuming Sally would be frightened by the tiniest bit of obscenity was viable.

"You...," Sally stuttered. "What do you...?"

"You've taken advantage of Barry's trauma enough," Adelaide noted. "You do well and realize you have no right in this context to ask for his forgiveness or mine. Do the healthy and safe thing for you and stop contacting him on purpose. Consider this the only warning you will ever get from me."

Perhaps she was overboard harsh on things, rationally, Adelaide was certain she could never really carry out. But with the end of the call at the touch of her fingertip, at least she had the deep comfort that on a psychological level, Sally would have been startled enough by her words to get the hint and adapt it into her routine. She was a good actress in need of therapy, but as a person around Barry and her, Addie saw Sally as nothing but someone needing to understand there was no more room for extras in toxicity there.

They had enough stress as it was with the Pareja guy. 

Adelaide may have broken a real sweat reading over Barry's shoulder what they dug on the guy and realizing that were she one second slower in the bathrooms of the changing rooms at the swimming pool, she would have been dead. It's hard to be considered pretty with a bullet through your forehead.

Though she shivered reminiscing those, Addie made her way back to her original place, next to Barry improvised stand, where as a statue, he blended perfectly in the obscurity of the night. Adelaide tucked his phone in the hoodie she also had from him - it was large and dark, but it also seemed to successfully restore some confidence in the eyes of her man. 

"Any movement?" she whispered, but did not get any closer, nor did she look herself over their chosen rock. Adelaide knew when impulsiveness was welcomed and when it would mean certain death. Watching Barry's side profile was not as bad of a view either way; she'd have it any day over squinting her bad sight to see the unlit parking lot.

"None," Barry murmured back, so quiet she had to read the word off the movement of his lips. His pistol grip was steady and the finger ready on the trigger never twitched. He was admirably patient and handsomely serious, as Addie wished she could point out without distracting him off looking through that scope on top.

Adelaide did not add anything else. They have been there for hours already, but she was yet to dare check the clock and allow her brain to realize they were both over their ideal bedtime. Silence was not uncomfortable, but rather relaxing in a calm company. Addie started regretting not pouring some coffee in a thermos for them to stay through the night and see if Mr. Pareja will fall for their trap.

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