09 - messy knots

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Each time Eunwoo took one step closer to me, my heart beat faster and harder. It was racing with the sound of his shoes which were rubbing against the floor. Leaving it echoed through the empty hall.

And with each word he stabbed me like a dagger.

"What do you say if Seokhoon was actually there when Seola fell, Rona?"

"What if Seokhoon was the one who pushed her?"

"What if he is the mastermind and you're just his other plaything? Waiting for the time to be slaughtered."

The clock was ticking and the tension around us thickened.

When he stopped right in front of me, one stair apart, the overbearing smile he had was now gone. Changing to a cold gaze but sinister laugh hidden beneath. Slowly, killing the time we had, he closed the gap between us. Raiding my zone to begin his havoc.

"Say, Rona. What would you do if that's the truth?" he whispered.

"I'll help you to find the truth about that night. The real truth behind it."

"Joo Seokhoon, do you believe him?"

"Because I want to know, too."

The words splattered out of Eunwoo kept on colliding with Seokhoon's. My mind turned to a shamble as it tried hard to block him. Trying hard to not believe and just leave.

Maybe, I trusted Seokhoon too much or liked Eunwoo too little to be able to ignore his words. Maybe, it was just my own belief that I held to. Maybe, it was really that simple. Because at least, there is one person I could share this problem with. Another person who cared for the life that's been paused for the time that no one knew until when.

So, I said, "He's worthy of my trust enough. I don't need a shameless person who couldn't keep envy and jealousy out of his balls to tell me what to do."

Eunwoo's face twitched in a second, then he quickly masked it. Controlling his now anger that peaked from his wounded poor heart, he spoke through gritted teeth, "You hurt me there, Rona. Are you sure you don't want to know what happened after you blacked out? You're missing the fun, you know."

"Huh, who's fault was that? If you don't want to end up in jail for underage drinking, you better stop this act right now and stay away from me," I warned him.

"Now now, Rona. You must wake up on the wrong side of your bed. I wasn't the one who drank, it was you," he replied with a laugh in between.

Having enough of him, I grabbed his collar and yanked him closer. Only inches to my face. I snarled, "Don't try to outsmart me. I could easily track what you do, what you usually do, and other dirty things you enjoy. Your riches only show how obvious your weakness, An Eunwoo."

Pulling him in again to whisper to his ear, I said, "You don't want Judge An to know about what you've been doing, right? I heard from my father that he was very strict on rules."

I could see the scared look on Eunwoo's face when I mentioned his father. I knew well how his father put high hopes in him because our family associated with each other. He looked like his lifespan just flashed in that second. Pupils dilated, sweats falling, and body trembled. The lost deer officially possessed him. Ready to get another shot.

But Eunwoo was always the tough one to deal with. After all, he was indeed born to be in chaos. Holding two of my clenched hands, he said, "I guess it is a really bad time for me to speak to you. Should we head to the room? It's almost Mr. Ma's class."

He let go of my hold and went up to the door. I was left speechless with his sudden change. Leaving me watched his movements from behind.

Before he vanished, Eunwoo remarked, "Let me tell you one thing, Rona. That accident happened after we all left the party. But you know what? Except you and Jenny, what were the others doing at the time they cleaned up the party?"

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