Then spotted a new face. I don't know everyone in the hall But I was sure I haven't had that voice before. We have all done oral test in front of the class in Mr thomlson's class

         Exactly. Mr thompson said making us all force our attention on him. That is exactly the advantages of reading. See you guys in our next class he concluded

              Hey Cherry pls wait up. A voice  called after me running to meet up with my pace. You were pretty amazing back there. He said when he managed to finally meet up my pace

       Never expected you will have an answer to that. And your answer was amazing. He continued

Thanks. That wasn't hard at all. I replied beaming a smile at him

Am Hardin. Hardin Harp. And you must be Cherry youngs I guess. He said stretching his hand. You guessed right. I replied shaking the outstretched hand

You wanna grab lunch? I know a very nice place around. He asked

          Sure. I would love to grab something to eat. I said playing with my hair.  Is he? I kept asking myself on our drive to the restaurant outside college

          I feel butterflies in my belly already and I think he is really good looking and smart too and sure Juliet will like him   I think I have found my mister perfect. I rejoiced within me.  Can't wait to tell Juliet about him.......

Hey Cherry we are here. Hardin said bringing me back to reality. Ohh.  Thanks I said walking out the car as he held the door for me

The restaurant isn't really nice but trust their dishes are amazing. He said as we made our way into the restaurant and he was right

The place was really nice. It was where most of the college student come to hang out. It was really spacious and almost full

I really don't see you in Mr Thompson's class
Are you attending for the first time?. I asked
After placing our order. I see you noticed

Yes. Sure, It is my first time. He replied

So what course are you majoring. I asked again. You see am not really attending college anymore. I graduated already

I just need a credit from Mr thompson's class
To get this job I have been seeking for. He explained

Oh. That is really nice to hear. I replied. Really?. Really you nailed your first day already. I bet you are really prepared to get that credit. I said joking. And it is really good

To have someone I would agree books with

Sure.What about you.What course?. Am majoring in English lit. I replied. That really nice. Then you must be a romanist?

Is that bad? I asked
No, not at all. He replied. Thanks goodness you are different, my roommate thinks it isn't nice. That is her lost. He replied. I smiled at his respond.


Hey Bella
I greeted one of the staff at my favorite coffee shop

Morning Juliet. How was your night? She asked beaming at me

Not bad. Yours?

Beautiful. Ben was at my place all night, We had quality time together. Ohh well I can see that pretty much. You are glowing this morning Bella. Am happy it is working between you guys now. I said sincerely. The girl has gone through enough. Life shouldn't make long a living hell do her. Thanks

I never knew love does this to people.
I said smiling at her. It really does you should try it. She said. I think I will pass. I replied. Your usual right? Yea. Sure. I will be back in a minute i wanna go say hi to Mr Jacob. I said walking toward manager's office

Ohhh. Fuck. I cursed as I felt the coffee slide down my body. Geez. Am so sorry. I heard his voice

I looked up and saw this good looking man
Wait. Did I just say good looking
I totally meant effortlessly handsome young man apologetic look fixed on me

So he is the slipper?. I asked myself. It is okay. I said. Am so clumsy. He said. I can see that clearly Mr... Call me Alex. He said
Am Juliet. I said stretching my hand that had coffee on them

He looked down at my outstretched hand awkwardly and shook them anyways Does he have a choice?. Come on, Let me help you clean up. Alex said

No need actually. I live around..Well. I insist. He replied leading me to the bathroom. Rolling out some toilet paper and wiping my face with it thank goodness the coffee wasn't too hot or was it?

He asked trying to break the awkward silence and the hide the fact that he didn't know what to do

No. It wasn't. Were you in a hurry to somewhere? I asked. Yea. To work. He replied Aren't you running late now

I am. But you deserve it
And am sure my superior will understand

I don't think. This will be coming off. I said looking down at the stain on my dress. I guess I will be heading home now

Lemme give you a ride then. He offered. There is actually no need for that since it happens that I live around the block. You should get going to work. I said warmly

I insist again and what will they think about the person that ruined a pretty girls out fit?. He asked

I smiled and finally succumbed

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