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Cherry's pov

I know

Most of you here
Don't know me
Am Aurora
Mr and mrs Xander only child.

And am so happy
I don't get to share their love with anybody.
Dad smiled at my words

I am so lucky to belong to the Xander's family
I must say

I know alot of people out there
Will wish to be in my shoes

I am indeed grateful
You are the best

And I love you two very much.
Happy birthday dad.

I went close to them and hug them both together

The applause reduced at the announcer spoke again

Mr Andrew Peter?.

The announcer continued by calling
One of one my dad's close

Alex's pov

Happy birthday Mr Xander. I said
Immediately we got to where the Xander' were

The family turned to look at me and Juliet

Thank you so much. Mr Xander said

You are welcome sir

Hope you are enjoying the party Alex?. Mrs Xander chiped in

Ofcourse Ma

And who is the beautiful lady
Beside you Alex?

Meet my girl friend Juliet. I said
Introducing Juliet to Mr and Mrs Xander

It is my pleasure to meet you. She said
Stretching her hand for an handshake

The pleasure is ours Juliet. Mr Xander's said

And Happy birthday sir
Alex told me a lot about you. She said smiling

And I hope
They are wonderful things

Of course sir

I didnt know
You had such an intelligent woman. Mrs Xander

And Juliet
I must say
Count yourself lucky to have Alex. Mr Cancer contributed

How I wish Aurora could also
Find someone good enough someday. Mrs Xander

Cherry pov

I heard my name
Turned to see who my parent were discussing me to


My dad saw me looking at them
Then beckoned on me to join them

Come on darling
Join us

Let me introduce you to Alex Williams
He is the head of my financial department

Love UntoldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ