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Alex's pov

Will you be able to stay all by yourself. I asked

As we drove away from the Xander's mansion

I think so
Cherry will be back by tomorrow
So I will be fine

Just take me home
My head is spinning. She said

Okay dear.

I looked at her a few minutes
And found out she was fast asleep

She drank so much at the party
She was probably drunk

We are at your place. I said

Babe?. I called a few more time
But no respond

I started the ignition and hit the road again
Heading my way this time

Are we there yet?. She asked

You should rest Juliet. I told her

Come on babe
Take it easy with her pls. I said to Mr Thomas

Who was on the other side helping me
To get Juliet out of the car

Hmm. She murmured
Are we home Alex
Take me to my room
I am really tired. She murmured
As we made our way to my room

Thanks you Thomas
I think I can handle her from here

Your bath is ready. He said
Before leaving

I took my bath
And helped Juliet clean up
Before gently placing her on the other side of the bed

Thank goodness
I didnt think drink much

Juliet's pov

I woke up with a pounding head
I looked around the massive room
And scanned the room
Looking the the other bed

I see
Every morning when I wake up
I confusingly stood up from the bed
I stumble toward the door

I felt my head spin
Stumbling back into the room

I sat on the couch
Shitting my eye tightly
To reduce the pain
I was exeriencing

Every incident that happened yesterday
All replaced in my head
After some minutes

The pain subsided
As i made my way out of the room
I wandered all round the mansion
Peeking into any room
I came across
In search of Alex

Thinking about how a very huge mansion
With lot of servants
Will look and sound so empty

After few minutes of a fruitless walk
I found him in the gym
A spacious room
That had all the machine that only a well standard gym could owe

I stood at the door and watched the towering muscular figure
As he did some push up

Good morning sunshine. He said when he noticed me

Love Untoldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें