Comfort Cuddles

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I made it to the pool in the refugee side of the town. Landon stopped me outside. "Is Peter okay" I asked. "Ya, but he won't talk to anyone. I called because I hopped he would talk to you" said Landon. I entered the pool room and saw Peter sitting on a pool chair with a blanket wrapped around him. "Peter" I asked. He didn't respond. I could see the tears in his eyes. I sat next to Peter. "Is the pain from the eye surgery bothering you" I asked. Peter shook his head and wiped his eyes. "It's not that" said Peter. "What is it" I asked. Peter looked at me. "I wasn't accepted Tony. What if I'm never accepted into the town" said Peter. Tears ran down his face. "Peter, you will" I said. I wiped his eyes and hugged him. Peter took his blanket off and wrapped it around us. He put his head on my chest. "I don't want to be a refugee forever" said Peter. "You won't, I know you will be accepted but it might take time. They can only take in a few at a time" I said.

Honestly I'm sad that Peter didn't get accepted. But most people don't on their first attempt. I wish Peter will be accepted soon so we can live together. I just want to be with Peter. I sat Peter up and made him look at me. "Forget the rejection Peter. It was the first one. I say we go back to your dorm and just be together. Tomorrow they will accept papers of those who want to enter the town. First thing tomorrow we can turn one in for you. Okay" I said. "Okay" said Peter. I kissed his forehead. Peter and I stood up. We left the pool and went back to Peter's room. We did have a little sex but nothing porno like. Just simple stuff. After that Peter and I cuddled as we filled in another report. "Does it matter that I don't have a parent or legal guardian" asked Peter. "No, after being accepted they will put you with the other orphans until you find a legal guardian" I said. "Oh, I thought that might be the reason I wasn't accepted" said Peter.

"Of course not. It has nothing to do with you. It's how many they can take in" I said. "Good, and maybe I will be accepted soon. We are soulmates" said Peter. He kissed my lips. We finished the paper work and set it on the counter. "Are you hungry? We can get your favorite" I said. "Sure, I can use a midnight snack" said Peter. We got dressed and I took Peter to his favorite place to eat in the refugee part of town. Peter ordered his favorite and we shared a milkshake. "How are your eyes doing" I asked. "Okay, I took a eyedrop because they started hurting. I might of cried the drops out though. But I'm doing better. They aren't irritated as much as they use to be. I think they are healing pretty well" said Peter. I smiled and put some whip cream on Peter's nose. I licked it off and Peter blushed. "What" I asked. "Nothing, I just love you and can't stop blushing" said Peter. "You look cute when you blush" I said. Peter blushed harder and took a sip of the milkshake. After we ate I paid and took Peter back to his dorm. Peter said he was okay with paying but I told him it's my treat this time. I cuddled with Peter till he was asleep. I'm sure he will get accepted this time.

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