Date Night

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I decided to call Tony. I grabbed my phone and waited for him to pick up. "Hey Peter" said Tony. "Hey, what are you up to" I asked blushing. This is my first relationship. "Just watching horse porn" said Tony. "Oh, and how is that going" I asked. "Terrible, it's pretty bad and I would rather be at work right now. Anyway what about you? Are you doing anything tomorrow" asked Tony. "Not that I know of. I don't have anything planned but uh, you can come over tonight if you want. If you have time of course" I said. Tony lives a hour away. "Ya, that sounds great. Where should I sneak in or are you sneaking out" asked Tony. "Actually my parents aren't home. They are working late tonight and probably won't be able to come home. So I decided to invite my boyfriend over" I said blushing. "Okay, I'll be there in a hour" said Tony. "Great, I'll see you then" I said. We hung up and I smiled. Tony is coming over. The only good thing about him living a hour away is I have time to clean a little.

I cleaned my room up a little bit and made the house look suitable. Not no life in here clean but clean enough to not be a mess. I then waited for Tony to get here. I also went threw the kitchen to see what we have for food. Not much. I put a frozen patty out to defrost. In case Tony is hungry. There was a knock on the door. That's him. I ran to the front door and opened it. I also peeked out the window to make sure it was Tony and not some creep. I opened the door and Tony stood there with a big box in his arms. "Hey, can I set this down in your room? It's a little heavy" said Tony. "Sure" I said. I let Tony in and he put the box down in my room. I hope he doesn't noticed I shoved my clothes under my bed. I was in a hurry. Tony stood up and turned to me. "What's in the box" I asked. "Birthday present" said Tony. "Oh" I said interested. "Want to open it? I want to make sure you like it" said Tony nervously.

I kissed his cheek and walked up to the box. I got on my knees and started opening the box. Tony smiled as he watched me. I opened the box and saw different records from the bands I like. I smiled and started flipping threw them. "I remembered which bands you said you liked when we met at the record store. I figured I would help you start your collection. And before you ask it didn't cost that much. There was a sale and I have a employee discount" said Tony. I smiled and stood up. I turned to Tony and hugged him. "Thank you" I said. "You're welcome" said Tony as he hugged back. We hugged for a minute. "Hard to believe how long ago that was" I said. "I remember watching you walk threw that door. You were wearing those black jeans and t shirt" said Tony. "I just wish I didn't have to faint. It was a little embarrassing" I said. "I got to hold you in my arms though" said Tony. I blushed and looked at the floor. Tony made me look in his eyes. "You don't have to be embarrassed Peter. I love you no matter what" said Tony. We kissed. "Do you want to play one of the records" asked Tony. "Sure" I said. 

Tony X Peter Starker Not Irondad SpideysonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang