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Tony carried me to the roof. There was no escape. I fell to the ground. "Peter" said Tony as he ran up to me. He picked me up and held me in his lap. "It's going to be okay" said Tony. I lifted my shirt and saw the bullet sticking out. Tony pulled it out which kinda hurt. Tony gave me some mold. I took it and ate it. "I'm sorry, I wish it didn't have to end like this" said Tony as tears fell from his face. "It's okay, I just want to be with you in the end" I said. Tony smiled and kissed my lips. We kissed for a few seconds and broke the kiss. There was sounds behind us. We turned and saw a berg. "That's our ride" said Tony. He helped me up as the berg turned around. It opened the hatch. Tony helped me walk to the berg. "COME ON" Steve yelled reaching for us. "GET CLOSER" Tony yelled. "WE CAN'T, YOU HAVE TO JUMP" Natasha yelled. I know we will both survive this but I had a fear Tony won't make it. I started to feel my heart beat faster.

Tony turned to me. "Peter look at me. We will be okay" said Tony. He hugged me. The building fell and I hugged Tony tighter. "It's okay, I got you" said Tony. I know zombies can fly but I can't with this injuring. Plus I'm loosing blood. Tony flew into the berg and laid me on the ground. I relaxed and laid there. My hearing started to fade away. Tony lifted my shirt and told the others that Mysterio shot my stomach. Tony held my hand as they started to patch me up. I fainted and blacked out.

🎃 here is a emoji you can name to lighten the mood I guess.

I heard a tarp blowing in the breeze. I'm on a bed with my stomach patched up. Where is everyone else? I bolted up and Tony ran up to me. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here" said Tony. He sat on the bed and I hugged him. "I was worried I didn't make it" I said as I closed my eyes. Tony rubbed my back. "You did, and we are back home" said Tony. "What" I asked surprised as I broke the hug.

"We are back at New York" said Tony. I was shocked. I got up and ran outside. Tony ran after me. I saw the town in the stage of being rebuilt. I fell back into Tony's arms as the world became dizzy. "Take it easy Peter. You just woke up" said Tony. "Sorry, just excited to finally be home" I said. Tony smiled and picked me up. He carried me back inside and set me on the bed. "I want to check the wound quick" said Tony. I lifted my shirt and saw the guaze over the hole. Tony gently removed it. It was now a scab. "How long was I out" I asked. "A week, you took your sweet time waking up" said Tony. "Have Mj and Gwen been here to see me" I asked. Tony sat on the bed next to me. "Ya, a few days ago" said Tony. "Oh, what about you? How have you been" I asked. "Well honestly I have been in here waiting for you to wake up. I hardly left because I didn't want you to be alone when you woke up. But I probably should shower. I haven't since Florida" said Tony. "You should, I don't want a stinky boyfriend" I said. "Good, but do you want to join me" asked Tony. "Ya" I said.

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