Family Group Chats 1

187 4 0

(Todoroki Family's group chat)

Male Elsa - I need money :)

Fiyumi - Why do you need Money now?

Rei - Don't you dare

Male Elsa - :(

Keigo - But why do you need money?

Iida - Sho and the Deku Squad are going for shopping :)

Touya - No one gives him Money U-U

Male Elsa - :(

Oboro - =-=

Keigo - How much?

Touya - Babe I said not to :(

Keigo - Nah :)

Male Elsa - Fiyumi we are going to have a great Family :)

Fiyumi - IKR!

Natsou - We are so going to have

Touya - The League is better T-T

(Toga hacked into this chat)

Toga - Really?!?!

Touya - I take it back nothing is better :)

(Toga left the chat)

Keigo - How do we hack into others chat?

Touya - I'll tell you if you don't give money to that IcyHot :)

Male Elsa - :(

Oboro - Todoroki meet me at xxxxx

Fiyumi - We all are Todorokies =-=

Natsou - Even you :)

Oboro - I don't want a family T-T

Male Elsa - If you want mom, you'll need us

Rei - Is there an extra space on Shoto's face?

Keigo - O-O

Rei - I guess I can paint more

Iida - =-=

Touya - Please do :)

Male Elsa - Natsou don't have one :)

Natsou - Fuck you =-=

Male Elsa - Iida meet me at my room :)

Oboro - ......

Keigo - T-T

Iida - I- no thanks :)

Male Elsa - :(

Natsou - Is my brother that bad? :(

Rei - I guess I'll just pain you then ^^

Oboro - How can I leave T^T

Touya - Please do

Oboro - I don't see an option on the settings

Natsou - I disabled it :)

Oboro - Hope you to be single 4ever :)

Natsou - T^T

Keigo - I never saw this side of Kurogiri or Oboro

Male Elsa - Dude it's the same person =-=

Oboro - You can call me-

Natsou - DAD!

Oboro - How the hell did you cut me through typing? T-T

Natsou - Abled it ;)

Rei - ^^

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