*Like chibi running cutely" (He he got the imagination?)

This makes all EXO shout "CHANYEOLL!!!"

After that, you got your lunch and sit with your oppas

You sit in centre and you start eat your lunch while chit chat with EXO members.

You and EXO laughing cheerfully. You suddenly cry with joy.

Lay who sit infront of you ask you "what's wrong (y/n)/ Are you alright?"

You shook your head and wipe your tears "No... it's because my oppas are very kind to me. You guys make me laugh and I finally feel this feeling again. Thank You Very Much."

You smile brightly this makes them smile too and they are happy.

Xiumin say "well... I'm glad you're happy" He then wink to you and you blush

Suddenly other students greet you. "Hey.. (y/n). Would you like to hangout with us? We want to get closer to you"

You were about to agree when Kris and Suho hug you.

Kris say "sorry.. she's ours" Suho say "yeah.. we already claim her"

The other guy feels annoyed and say "HUH?? Don't get too confident you guys. Just because you guys are the famous one doesn't mean you can claim her."

Sehun fake a cough and say "well.. we did as we like so stop blaberring"

The other students say "HUH?? You ask for it"

When they about to punch Sehun, you shield him and you get punch and fell on the floor

"uhh.." You touch the buirse in your face and then you winked hurtfully. Sehun shock and he approach you. He hug you and he really feel piss off. He stare at the guy who punch you and he want to kick his ass.

The guy who punched you and shock "wh-at the? I'm so sorry (y/n). It was an accident but why did you protect him?"

You just smile "well.. he's my oppa so it's my duty to protect him."

The guy confuse "your oppa?" Suddenly he felt shiver and he saw that all EXO members growl and they crack their hands to fist. Their aura is wowww.... so dangerous

Chen smirk an evil smirk "You guys REALLY WANT TO DIE, HUHH??!!"


All EXO members nod in agree and when they about to knock the guy to dead.

The students afraid and say "w-ell.. we let you go this time. But we will steal (y/n) from you guys"

And then they run

You let go of Sehun hug and you say "Are you ok, Sehun-oppa? You didn't get hurt, right?"

Sehun confuse and say "well.. I'm ok. But why did you protect me? You know I can protect myself"

You sighed a relief and say "well.. I can't see my beloved ones get hurt" This makes Sehun blush

Suddenly your bruise make a bleed and Sehun scream "Yah! You really are not ok. Lay~hyung hurry!!"

Lay rush to you and he heal you.

You feel warm and cozzy. "Lay-oppa really is awesome."

After a few sec, your bruise is gone and you didn't feel hurt at all.

"WOW, thank you very much Lay-oppa" You hug him. Lay shock for a sec and he hug you back

SEhun fake a cough "ehemm... we are still here"

You gasp and you see all your oppas chuckle. You let go of Lay-oppa hug and you stand up

You and your oppas back to eat lunch after that you guys go to the rooftop

"WOW~such a nice scene" You say and you stretch your arm causing all your oppas blush and they thought the same thing "w-ow... she's so beautiful. I can't really wait for my week with her"

After chit chat and laughing, the lunch bell ring.

You and your oppas prepare for return back to the class.

You say "well.. the first who get into the class will get to kiss me in the cheek. But if I get first then I will tease you oppas" (teehee) (*^u^*)

Kris smirk "well.. you challenge us the wolves?"

You say "well.. try to cath me~" You start to run first like a chibi

Tao say "hey~ that's not fair."

All EXO members glare at each other for a moment and their eyes turn red and each of them thought "the winner is me"

Thay start to run. You are running in the stairs when you see all your oppas run to you and they race each other

"Hey!! It's gonna be me" You hear them fighthing like cute chibi and you giggle.

You suddenly feel an ice wind behind you and you see Xiumin-oppa beside you and he say with a victory smirk

"Sorry~ (y/n) but me first" He then run very fast and he is the first one who get to the class.

You shock and say "Wa-it, Xiumin-oppa. It's not fair~ You use your power"

You pout then run like cute chibi

You hear behind you a loudh noise "CRASHH!!"

You shock and turn back 'Wh-at?" You see your 11 oppas fall and their head spinning

You giggle "well.. they really took it seriously but I goota run~"
You then arrive at your class panting hard and you see in the class only Xiumin-oppa and hesmirk at you

He approach you and he whisper to your ear "well.. it's my win. So let me kiss you~"

He then kiss you passiontly in your cheek and you feel cold yet it feels very cozy.

You thought "maybe a kiss in the lips wouldn't bad"

He then shock and he smile at you "oh (y/n)~ you want a kiss already? You pretty bad girl"

You shock "Oh My... I forgot they can read my mind"

You say nervously "we-ll.. I really want a kiss right now"

Xiumin then smirk and he hold your face up so you and him see each other.

You close yoour eyes "wow.. first kiss with Xiumin-oppa. OH MY GODD!!" (tehhee)

When he about to kiss you, the door burst open and you and Xiumin shock.

You see all your 11 oppas pant hard and Chanyeol say "YAH!! Minseook~hyung what are you doing?"

Xiumin smile and he let go of you and you just blush hard. "well.. I'm gonna give her the first kiss"

All EXO members shock and when they want to tease Xiumin.

All other classmates and your english teacher come in

You shock and you take a seat. You see Xiumin-oppa wink a sexy wink at you before he turn around.

You blush "Wow... he's really sexy and I can's stop blushing right now" (=*^u^*=)

and then your first engish lesson begin

~*To Be Continued*~

12 Red Love Strings (All EXO x reader)Where stories live. Discover now