the hunt - chap 7

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Y/N laid in Rafe's lap, him stroking her head, listening to the music in the car.

'The Midsummers is coming up.' He said all of sudden, resting his arm on her back. Y/N stayed still, recalling all the previous midsummers from her childhood. Those were one of the most fun nights of her life.


'Well, since both of our families are gonna be there, we could go together.'

'No.' Y/N tilted her head towards him, looking up.

'Why not.' He frowned.

'I haven't told Sarah... or anyone else. We tell each other everything, Rafe.' She played with his fingers.

'Everything huh?' Oh, here we go. 'So, can you tell me where she's gone for the weekend? With who?' He raised his eyebrows at her, knowing Y/N had no idea.

'She's not picking up my phone.' She sighed, annoyed by his attitude. 'But she will when she gets back.'

'Right.' Did he really expect her to say yes? His voice instantly became distant, shrugging her head off of ome, making her sit up. He was hard to read.

'I should be going.' Y/N said, making her hair into a low ponytail.

'I'll drive you.' He replied, not turning around to face her. Y/N knew she had to tell Sarah eventually. She also knew Rafe's feeling were hurt. Rafe stayed silent as he parked in front of her house.

'Night.' Y/N got out, not even waiting for a response.

Y/N found it weird, Pope hasn't showed up all day, feeling guilty about the previous night for many reasons. She had to work all day and then get home to pick a dress for tomorrow's Midsummers. The clock almost hit 7PM when Sarah approached the bar, waving at Y/N with a grin on her face.

'Dude, where have you been?' Y/N greeted her loudly, showing a bit of concern for her best friend.

'Sorry, I've been out of town.' She responded, beaming.

'What happened to you.' Y/N narrowed her eyes at Sarah, couldn't help but chuckling at her. 'Haven't seen you smiling like that for a long time.' She looked like she'd eaten some mushrooms, Y/N thought.

'I've been helping John B with his secret hunt.' She whispered as she leaned closer to her ear. She must be talking about the treasure hunt, Pope's been joking about lately. He acted as if it wasn't that significant in their lives.

'Wait, is he really taking that shit serious?'

'He seemed to.' Sarah shrugged her arms. 'You know about it?'

'Only from Pope. But I never really cared what is it about.' Y/N said, washing some of the glass that was left on the bar. 'Didn't you say John b's been stealing from your dad?'

'Um...yes, but he's really nice.' Y/N could see Sarah slightly blushing as she remember him.

'What's that about?' She laughed derisively at her, lifting her eyebrows.

'Nothing.' Sarah rolled her eyes, resting her elbows on the desk. She clearly wanted Y/N to ask more questions.

'Did something happen between you guys? Come on, tell me.'

'We kissed.' Sarah bit her lip, still widely smiling.

'You what?' Y/N's brows shot up at surprise, leaving the glass, becoming much more invested. 'And Topper?'

'I know.' She grisped Y/N's hands radiantly. 'I still have to go with Topper to the Midsummers because of dad.'

'No way.' Y/N screwed her face into a frown.

'I can do one more night.' Sarah rolled her eyes at Y/N's reaction, looking as if it's not a big deal. 'Come on, let's go. We need to try out the dresses.' Y/N's eyes drifted around the room, catching Jj hanging in the doorway.

'I'll meet you outside.' Y/N winked at Sarah as shewalked over to him, crossing her arms. 'Jj?'

'Yeah, yeah!' He coughed, rubbing his neck. 'I-uh-'

'What happened to you face?' She lowered her brows, tilting her head.

'Well, many things happen when you're in jail.' He chuckled. 'I've just got out.'

'You've been to jail?' Y/N gasped out the words, confused. 'How?'

'We've got our revenge on Kooks with Pope but they won again. I mean, everything always goes right for Kooks, doesn't it?'
Y/N didn't have to think about it to know exactly what he meant and he was right. All the things were blamed on the Pogues no matter what the circumstances were.

'Is Pope okay?'

'Yes, perfectly fine.' Jj assured her, nodding his head as he closed his eyes.
'I might need a favour though. I need to get to Midummers tomorrow night and you can help me get there if something goes wrong.'

'No, you'll get in trouble!' She argued. There is no way this could work and they both knew it. He's going to get caught or worse- Topper and Rafe are going to find him.

'Please, it's urgent.' He shook with Y/N causing her to pull a face.

'Is it about the treasure thing?' Her response quite shocked him.

'Pope told you all about it, huh?' Jj put a cigarette in his mouth, resting his back on the cleaned windows, causing Y/N to frown. She said nothing.

'He mentioned it.' She admitted. 'It didn't seem important to him.'

'It is real though. So?' Jj broke the short silence between them.

'Okay, I'll do it.' Y/N responded, shaking her head. 'But be careful.' Her voice became slightly serious as Jj gratefully clasped Y/N arm. At least she didn't have to worry about Pope's safety from now, even though she already sensed tomorrow's night's going to be a disaster. Especially if Jj came up with something.

Her and Sarah tried on all kinds of dress, getting to a point when both of them just sat in a chair picking them up and tossing them around the room. Y/N chose the first one Sarah's showed her anyway.

'Who are you going with, Y/N?' Sarah asked as she checked herself out in the mirror making poses. Did she suspect something? There was no way.

'Um...just my family.' She said, slightly nervous.

'Okay.' Sarah's face barely changed, her eyes fixed on the light dress she was wearing, making Y/N relaxed.
She knew nothing.

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