we lost them - chap 13

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Y/N couldn't sleep that night. She looked out of her window every time she heard any little sound.
The fear and stress made her feel as if her head was to blow up.

She was focusing on the road just when Rafe's motorbike stopped by her house. Y/N ran down before he could touch the doorbell. It was 2 am in the morning, her dad was hopefully asleep. What could have possibly make him come here.
Rafe was standing right behind the door as he took his helmet of exposing his face wich made Y/N immediately nervous. He looked terrible, his body was shaking and his eyes seemed tired.
It was as if he's gone through a mental breakdown.

'Can I come in?' He inquired but before she could answer anything, he already stepped inside the house.

'What...' Y/N was unable to finish the sentence, staring at him walking around nervously.

'I uh- I need to tell you something.' Rafe stuttered, looking down, his eyes glistening. She knew exactly what he's going to say next. It was suddenly so hard to breath nor move. Y/N watched him as he struggled to speak.

'Go on.'

'I did something bad. Like- there's no way out of it and I am fucked.. I am fucked for life.' He said as Y/N squinted her eyes, preventing the tears fall down her face as he ran fingers through his hair.

'Rafe..' Y/N's voice broke as she tried to speak to stop him from continuing.

'I shot Peterkin.' He said. 'I had to because she wanted to hurt my dad and I had to save him.' She's never felt this uncomfortable when he gazed into her eyes before, tears running down his face as he spoke.

'No, you didn't.' She said quietly, hating the tone of her voice. 'You can't just shot people, Rafe. All she wanted to do was arrest him.'   Y/N raised her voice at him, causing him to shake his head.

'You don't understand.' Rafe argued. He thought he was doing his dad a favour? Y/N hated Ward Cameron at the moment.
'I'd do it again if it was for my dad. I would do it for you.' Those words made Y/N lose it. She was gonna be sick.

'How can you say something like that?' She yelled, her face wet from the crying.
'I can't believe how I can love somebody who's capable of things like this.' Rafe's mouth fell wide open.

'What did you-'

'I hate myself for not wanting to go to the police and tell them everything because I should... I should go and do it.' She sobbed. She despised herself.
'I hate you. I hate you so much.' She grumbled as she punched Rafe into his chest with her palms, sobbing. He let her do it few times before she broke down into tears completely, her face falling into his chest as he pulled Y/N's body closer.

'I'm sorry.' He whispered.

'No you're not.' Rafe laid her on couch, tossing his phone.

'I'm gonna bring you water.' That was all he could say. He jumped next to her, pulling her into his arms, caressing her head. He wiped her tears as he gave her forehead kisses.

'Y/N, i love you too.' He whispered. Oh, how much she hated him. How could he say that to her after everything. She should have kicked him out the second he stepped inside. Y/N loved him and there was nothing to do to prevent it. She fell asleep before answering him.

She woke up as the sun went up alone on the couch. Rafe was nowhere around and there was a message on his phone from Barry. He was meeting him at Phantom.

'I have to go now.' Rafe approached her, taking his phone. That couldn't be good.

Y/N rushed to Pope's place, deciding to be there first. 'Hey, I'm kind of in a rush.' Pope greeted her, packing his bag.

disease- Rafe Cameron حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن