eight inches taller - chap 4

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She did want to try it. Y/N couldn't trust Rafe with this. God knows where he got it.

'Yes.' She said, confidently. He was pleased by her response, smiling smugly.

Y/N leaned closer to the table but she stopped and glanced at Rafe. He was only focused on her, ignoring all the other people at the table.
'I'm gonna get something to drink.' Y/N stood up, quickly disappearing. She needed to get some air.
Y/Nwas hanging by the pool, swallowing the liquid she had taken inside as a boy named Oliver approached her. She remembered him from the party at the march.

'Hey, Y/N.'

'Oh, hi! You're the one with the guitar, aren't you! Oliver. You have some talent!' She beamed.

'Really? I could play just for you, if you'd like.' He smirked, rubbing her arm.

'Sure?' She felt slightly uncomfortable, sensing he misunderstood the vibe.

'What are you doing here all by yourself?' He asked, giving her a suggestive look.
'Let's go dance.' He tried to catch her wrist but she didn't let him. She was far from interested.

'No, thank you.' She said, stone cold, wich made him slightly annoyed. He moved closer to her but he was pushed away by someone behind him.

'You've got a problem, bro?' Oliver asked loudly, glowering tone in his voice. Rafe grabbed him by the shirt, coming to his whole height.

'Rafe, it's okay.' Y/N was completely ignored by him.

'Get the hell out of here.' He hissed at him, his chin lifted up, nostrils flared.

'You can stop now!' Rafe let go of him as the guy fixed his shirt and walked off.
'You didn't have to do that.'

'I did.' He argued. 'Didn't you see what was he doing?' His eyes flashed with anger.

'Stop being so protective, I don't need it.' Y/N noticed he was standing at the edge of the pool. She glanced at him and right back at the pool.
She pushed him in the chest, but he realised what she was up to before so he grabbed her as well.

'Rafe!' She gasped as she surfaced, splashing water in his face, causing to laugh. She couldn't remember the last time she saw him laughing.

'You pushed me first!' He yelled as Y/N looked around at all the staring faces.

'People are staring. Let's get cleaned up.' She swam to the side, lifting herself up. Rafe followed her inside, although Y/N had no idea where she was really going. She could scarcely remember Kelce's house.
They walked into a space that seemed to be the cleaning room as the door closed itself. Y/N examined the place, looking for something she could use. She swinged around, facing Rafe's chest, all that she could smell was his scent which happened to be appealing.

'There are no towels.' She mumbled, her mouth dry as a bone as she battered her lashes. He was at least 8 inches taller than her so he gazed down at her, his hot breathes coming right at Y/N's cheeks. She wondered if it were the alcohol in her system that wanted him that badly as she stared at his lips.

Rafe grabbed Y/N by the back of her neck and pulled her face as he impulsively connected their lips. She let him pull her body closer to his as Rafe placed his hand onto her waist, slightly bitting her lip, begging for an entrance to her mouth.

'Rafe?' Y/N could hear Topper's drunk loud voice behind the door.
'Where are you man?' She broke the kiss, hearing the voice more and more clearly.

'Hes looking for you.' She said, quietly. He furrowed his eyebrows a little, his eyes still fixed at her.

'I don't care.' He responded, practically uninterested, leaning in to continue what they had started.


'He sounds pretty desperate.' Y/N let go of him, causing him to groan as he opened the door.

'Hey.' Topper exclaimed, vibrantly. He paused as he noticed Y/N. Her lipstick was a mess.
'Guys what were you doing back there?' He let out an awkward chuckle.

'Hey man, uh-' Rafe did the stupid handshake they've made up as kids.

'Topper, where's Sarah?' Y/N stepped further from Rafe.

'I think she's left.' She frowned at his response, wondering why would he leave her. Hopefully he isn't going to remember he saw then together with her brother.

'She's left?' This didn't sound like Sarah at all. If Sarah could be described as something, it would be a party animal. Y/N felt guilt for not looking for her before. She nervously bit her lip wondering where she'd might have gone.

'I'll go look for her.' Y/N ran fingers through her wet hair. Rafe glanced at her, clenching his jaw.


'Yes, Rafe.' She replied with a strict voice, making his eyes roll back.
'See you guys.' She walked off with with those words. He would definitely have done something to stop her if Topper wasn't there, Rafe thought, turning to his friend.

Y/N had called Sarah first and when she didn't pick she went looking for Sarah to her house. It was her father who opened the door saying she was already already asleep wich was most likely not true. She convinced her dad to let her come in, walking her to the stairs from where she rushed upstairs.
She carefully knocked at Sarah's door, not wanting to wake up others but it was Wheezie's door that opened with Sarah hanging at the doorstep.

'Why have you left the party?' Y/N whispered as Sarah dragged her inside.

'My dad can't know! She hissed at her, giving her a quick hug.

'I didn't tell him anything.' She reassured her, glancing over at her sister. 'Hey, Wheezie.'

'Hi.' She laid down, trying to fall asleep again

'You didn't pick up your phone and I thought that if your body was found the next morning I'd feel guilty for not checking on you.' Y/N spoke so quickly, making Sarah laugh.

'You really know when to joke about my potential death.' They both tried to hold in their cackling and ended up making only weird sounds.

'Why did you leave the party though. Has something happened?'

'Topper's happened.' She lowered her voice, looking down at her feet.

'Hey, remember?' Y/N caught Sarah's attention again. 'Never hold your head down because of a boy.' She lifted her chin, making Sarah chuckle as she nodded. 'Just tell me.'

'It's just that he's been so sweet all day but um- when it came down to it I wanted to stop and-' She sighed. 'He got all fed up and left.'

'What an ass!'

'Shh!' Sarah covered Y/N's mouth who's voice got louder.

'I know! I know! I just can't believe he'd treat you like that.' Topper has always been gentle around girls, way more than Rafe or their other friends. It seems he's truly revealed his true colors tonight. 'He doesn't deserve you, Sarah.'

They talked for more than a hour before Y/N felt asleep at their house. She couldn't go back to the party but she didn't want to sleep alone tonight aa well.

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