dirty pogues - chap 2

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Y/N loved spending mornings at the pool in their garden. No one would even tell there was any hurricane when she looked outside. She was aware she had to check on Pope because their store might have been damaged pretty badly. Everyone was still asleep so she grabbed her towel and managed her way outside quietly, but when she saw Rafe laying there on a sunbed, her smile dropped.
He was tapping into his phone with sunglasses on, relaxed. Y/N walked past him, putting the towel down. She gave him a quick glance, catching him looking at her.

'You're staring.' He took of his sunglasses and raised his eyebrows at her.

'When you're walking around like this.'

'This is still my house, remember?' She answered, annoyed. He looked down, chuckling.

'Thats not an excuse!' He shouted at Y/N as she jumped into the pool. She chose to ignore him even though she could hear him pretty well. Y/N dived into the water but could barely do anything before somebody started calling her name.

'What's going on?' Her vision was still blurry from the water. It was Sarah, standing right above her.

'We're going to the beach. Are you coming?' Y/thought there were better things than third wheeling to Sarah and Topper all day.
She looked the way Rafe was laying, but he wasn't there anymore.

'We're gonna be cleaning the stuff Agatha left behind.' Sarah said.

'The hurricane?' Y/N looked back at her, wondering what excuse she's going to use.
'You know what? Imma catch up with you later.' Y/N grinned, slightly squinting her eyes because of the sunshine.

'Okay' Sarah ran after Topper, clasping his arm.
Y/N changed her clothes and went to Pope's place.

'Hey, Y/N.' Pope's father was outside his house, gathering fishing nets.
'Do you need something?' He asked, grinning.

'I'm looking for Pope.' Y/N rested her arms on the railing.

'He's already left with his friends. I'm actually mad at him for not helping me with these.' She noticed that he struggled to untie the nets in his hands.
Y/N knew exactly where they all went. They were always going through the marsh or just hang out at John B's place.

'Oh, I can help you if you let me.'

'No, that's alright. I'm sure you have other things to do.' He grinned. Y/N gave him a quick smile.

'Have a good day.' She should go join Sarah now, she thought. There was no point in looking for Pope anyway. She was walking across the beach as a memory of her, Genevieve and mother came across her mind.

'Dude, are you coming to the party as well?' Sophie, her classmate jumped in front of her with a few more people.


'In the marsh.' She answered, energetic. The marsh is a strange place for a party. 'John B's throwing it.'

'John B?' Y/N widened her eyes. That was unusual, she thought.

'Look who it is!' Y/N heard a familiar voice from there. It was Jj jumping in the water, swimming towards them. He then wrapped an arm around Y/N's shoulders, clearly drunk. She almost tripped over as he held onto her.

'Pope's been anxious about his dad all day.' He explained, making confusing gestures with his hands. 'Can you talk some sense into him?' Jj was that cheerful guy always up to no good.

'See that you're busy.' Y/N spoke to Pope sarcastically, her lips shaping into a smirk.

'Did you speak to my dad?' He waited for her response, bewildered. 'He's gonna kill me.'

'Just enjoy tonight, okay?' Y/N winked at him, making him sigh.

'See? I've told you.' He grabbed him by the face, pecking him on the cheek. Jj was in a specifically good mood tonight. Pope rolled his eyes, glancing over at Kiara. Y/N could see her trying to hide an unpleasant smile that appeard on Kiara's face.
Although she didn't hate her like Sarah, they weren't friends either.

'What is she doing here?' Kiara's eyebrows sank as her smile dropped. She was staring at Sarah with Topper coming to the party. Topper would have never come to this place if Sarah hadn't persuaded him. He seemed to be in a certain mood, holding a beer in his hand.

Y/N walked over to the bar to grab a drink as someone approached her from behind.

'Coming with your Pogue friends, didn't you?' Y/N whipped around to see Rafe staring down at her.
Of course Topper called his friends to join him.

'Why do you care?' She glared right into his eyes. She made him pause for a second.

'I don't.' He broke their eye contact and looked away, sipping his drink.
The people all of sudden gathered in a half-circle, howling inaudible words that Y/N couldn't understand.

'Topper stop!' Y/N could hear Sarah screaming all over the place. She tried to get in the front but Rafe was right behind her, clasping her arm so she couldn't get in the middle of it. Topper was on the top of John B, holding his head under the water. Y/N wasn't able to think straight. She tried to get rid of Rafes grip but it was pointless because of his strength.

'Let go off me!' Y/N cried out. Rafe gaped at Topper still drowning John B with an open mouth. They've never seen him like this.
'We have to do something for god's sake!' Y/N was shaking his arm as she tried to shrug it off.

'What do you want me to do?' She could barely hear him despite his loud voice. Everyone was howling at them as if they were some dogs fighting. There was silence all of sudden.

'You know damn well what this is.' Jj was standing behind Topper, holding a gun to his head. He let go of John B's neck and didn't dare to move.

'He's got a gun!' Someone squaked. People started pushing each other out of their way as they were trying to escape. Jj raised his arm in the air, pulling the trigger.

'Come on, let's go!' Rafe shouted at Y/N, who covered her years. She tried to resist his grip again but it was hopeless.

'We can't leave them here!' She screamed as Rafe was pulling her arm, yanking her away. There was no point in fighting him.

'Do you want to get hurt?' He yelled in her face, his eyes flared with anger.
She gritted her teeth, not answering and all of sudden she was sitting in his car. Y/N was still trying to calm her breathing as Rafe drove the car fast and recklessly, his lips curled backwards.
Y/N couldn't count the times he nervously ran fingers through his hair.
'These dirty Pogues, man.' His voice was low again.

'Of course.' She scoffed.

'Did you not see his gun?' He raised his eyebrows as if her reaction was unbelievable.

'Did you not see Topper trying to drown John B?' Y/N pictured Topper's red face as he held him down under the waves. Her whole body shivered.

'He must have had a reason.' He sinked back in the seat, fixing his hair again.

'Bullshit.' She shook hear head.

'Look, he didn't tell me anything, okay?' He raised his voice again, punching the wheel. 'These pogues.. They're dangerous.'

'Please.' Y/N ironically laughed at him, causing him to sigh in a frustration.
'Stop acting like you care'

'I do.' He responded so fast he didn't realize what he's just said. Y/N watched him as he continued driving staring in the front. He would do anything just to avoid her gaze

'You said you didn't.' She couldn't think of any other response. He pretended he didnt notice she was staring at him from the side and parked at her house.

'Goodnight Y/N.' A shiver went down her spine as Rafe spoke her name, finally glancing at her. She was unable to read anything from his face.

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