Kuroko x Reader : His presence (Kuroko no Basket)

Start from the beginning

When you finally let go of Kuroko you could see that some members of the team, curious to what was going on came over to where you and Kuroko were.

"What was that all about?" Kiyoshi asked you two. You blushed a light shade of pink and hid behind kuroko holding onto the fabric of his sleeve. You were smaller then Kuroko so that was a good thing.

"Yeah I want to know," Hyuuga said.

"Yeah tell us!" Kagami said while smirking you bet her already knew what happened.

"Ok you better tell us now otherwise I will double all of your training schedules!" Riko said sternly.

Before you could say anything Kuroko replied, "I just asked (Y/N) to go on a date with me and she said yes." wow he put it so bluntly you thought.

"Ha! Knew it!" Kagami shouted.

"Finally manned up Kuroko," Izuki said.

"Everyone back to practice!" Riko shouted, "and also (Y/N) good luck and Kuroko nice job." she smiled sincerely at you both and walked off with Hyuuga, Kiyoshi and Izuki.

Kagami stared at you and Kuroko as the others left. His face showing signs that we was about to have an outburst.

He gave a huge sigh and shout-whispered, "YES! you have no idea how long I have been waiting for this to happen!!!!" 

He was practically squealing like a girl, you sighed at your friends foolishness. You remembered that you had to get home quickly and sighed once again. You wanted to stay but if you didn't go home your mum would worry.

"I need to go Kaga-kun and Kuro-kun. I'll see you later Kuro-kun!" you lightly pecked Kuroko's cheek and hugged kagami and ran out of the gym grabbing your bag on the way out. Your arm raised in the air waving at the now blushing Kuroko and Laughing Kagami.

-Time skip to when you are home-

You looked at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was out. It flowed down and touched the back of your knees, you had a cat beanie on that fell lopsidedly down half of your face. You were wearing a dress with no sleeves, that was tied back behind your neck with a ribbon, the dress was short and had little frills at the top and bottom and was tied around your waist with a ribbon. You had knee high socks on and simple flats. 

You grabbed your bag and was about to head out to your living room when you heard the doorbell ring. You ran through to the dining roo to see your mum open the door. "Why hello there young man," your mum said to him. 

"Mum," you whisper into her ear, "be sensible." she laughs at your reaction.

"Ok honey have fun now," she replies closing the door behind you.

You and Kuroko talk while you walk around, Kuroko had chosen to take you to a cultural festival. There were so many stalls and they were all so exciting.

You couldn't help the smile that you wore on your face as you looked at every stall. You both sat down to eat after a while. Kuroko asked you if you wanted some ice cream and you nodded your head smiling.

Kuroko headed off to go get the ice cream while you leaned back against the bench you were sitting on.

Two guys approached you, a menacing look in their eyes. They were drunk, you noticed how they swayed from side to side and the drinks in their hands. 

"Hey, lovely lady! Want to have some fun?" one of them says to you slurring his words as he speaks.

"I uh...no thanks I'm waiting for somebody," you say while smiling sweetly at them hoping they would turn away.

"Well looks like he'll have to wait a while longer," another one says. He grabs your wrist and pulls you up. You struggle in his grasp.

"Feisty one are we?" he says but before he could pull you closer he falls to the ground. You step back in shock. Ice-cream is splattered all over his back. You look up and see kuroko with an angry expression on his face.

He turns to the other two guys and then turns to you. He grabs you by your hand and leads you away. The other two standing there in shock. When Kuroko stopped walking he turned around to face you.

"You had me worried sick you realise!!" Kuroko says to you, the worry showing in his voice and expression. 

You looked down at your shoes like they were the most interesting things in the world, "I'm sorry," you whisper, "I didn't mean to cause you trouble." tears started to flow down your face and you lifted your arm up to wipe them away.

You felt a pair of arms wrap around you. You gently wrapped your arms around him as well as you silently cried into his shoulder. You both stayed like this for a while, ignoring the stares people were giving you, just enjoying the moment.

When you both pulled away, you gave Kuroko a weak smile and he smiled back.

"(Y/N) can I ask you something?" kuroko says.

"Yeah sure." you reply unsure of where this is going.

"I know this is our first date and all but I don't like seeing you get hurt and other boys flirting with you really annoys me so (Y/N) I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?"

Tears filled your eyes, "are you ok?" kuroko says obviously worried.

You wiped the tears away, "no silly, It's just this all seems like a dream. Yes I would love to be your boyfriend." you smiled at him and he smiled at you.

A single tear rolled down your face as fireworks lit up the night sky above the both of you. These weren't tears of sadness they were tears of happiness.

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