First class

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"They're only letting a maximum of twenty in each class and they've done the rosters randomly." Knot explained, indicating the sign up sheets behind him.

"Please tell me we're all together, Knot?" Arthit whined as he tried to read the class lists.

But his best friend was shaking his head.

"You and Bright are in the same group, but Prem's on his own and I'm with Tootah."

Arthit livened up a little as Bright hooked an arm over his shoulder, "And we're with the fit first year girls!" He laughed.

Arthit groaned and pushed Bright's arm away, "Which means you're going to abandon me," he said, deadpan.

"No way!" Bright exclaimed, wrapping his arm around Arthit again. "I'd never abandon my best friend for a woman. Bro's before girls, Princess!"

"Stop calling me that!"

When they entered the classroom, it was laid out in rows of paired desks, one of which he and Bright snagged together. On the board was a list of topics which made his cheeks heat up a little as Bright read them aloud cheekily.

"Peer Pressure, Friendships, Relationships, Sex, Parenthood, Are You Ready? Ooo, this is going to be a fun class!" Bright laughed. "Hey, ladies, fancy seeing you here!"

Arthit facepalmed as the first year's joined the handful of second and third years. There were six in all, and of course, Kongpob was amongst them. Surely the universe was playing a trick on him? Seven different classes and Kongpob was in his? Well of course he was...

"P'Arthit, P'Bright." Kongpob said as the group offered them a wai. "Nice to see you both here,"

"You too, young Kongpob!" Bright laughed, eyes skirting over Kongpob to Maprang, May and Praepaillin who were nervously standing beside Oak and M, "Ladies, a pleasure!" Then he twisted in his desk to greet them and Kongpob took the opportunity to bend down and whisper "Good morning P'Arthit," Making Arthit's ears flush red.

Arthit muttered his own good morning, baring his teeth for a second as he tried to smile. But he felt nervous and he had to turn away from the intensity of Kongpob's smile as he took a seat at the desk beside Arthit's.

He could hear Bright talking about the listed topics with Maprang who was actually laughing like she was having fun and falling for his charms, and then their teacher swept into the room.

"Good Morning class,"

"Sawasdee Khun Kru," they all waied politely as they settled down.

"So," their teacher began, "These are intimate lessons, ('Intimate!' Bright whispered beside him with glee as Arthit cringed away) so that we can discuss a range of topics in a safe setting without anyone feeling too uncomfortable."

Arthit's neck began to heat up immediately and he tried desperately to keep the blush from his face, ducking his head down to avoid being seen.

"It's okay, Phi," he heard Kongpob whisper beside him, but if anything, the thought of Kongpob taking part in the same discussion while they were both in the room, just made Arthit blush more, so he spaced out, getting lost in his embarrassing thoughts during the next part of the teacher's introduction.

Suddenly, everyone was standing up and moving. Arthit raised his head in confusion and looked around as Maprang and Bright moved to sit together. Oak and Praepaillin had also paired up and M was hovering nervously over May. What had he missed?

"Want to work with me, P'Arthit?" Kongpob asked gently, fingertips moving as though they might grasp his hand.

Arthit pulled it away quickly as he turned to look at his junior, "Work with you on what?" He asked stupidly.

But Kongpob was just as confused, "No clue, Phi, the teacher just said we should choose someone we feel comfortable working with and Bright practically dragged Maprang away like a caveman. So.. there's only really us left. But if you don't want to, I could ask Praepaillin to swap with me if you'd prefer to work with a female patner?"

Arthit watched as Kongpob's face settled into an expression of acceptance at his impending rejection, and he immediately knew that he didn't want to work with anyone else.

"Ai'Bright," he said, turning to stare behind him and seeing a look of apology flash across his friend's face, "What happened to bro's before girls?"

Bright grinned at him, "Well, you snooze you lose Ai'Arthit! And you were definitely half asleep, so this lovely young lady decided to help me out since I wasn't sure if I was going to have a partner... but hey," he paused and his grin widened, "Looks like you and 0062 will get to be partners now, which will surely be a match made in heaven!"

Arthit grit his teeth as he stared at his friend, but he wasn't actually mad. In fact, he was feeling quite grateful that Bright was girl crazy. If they were partners, he and Kongpob would have to talk and then maybe Kong would take the initiative and start a conversation with him about what they actually were to each other.

And then Arthit wouldn't have to. And he could stop obsessing over it and instead focus on his learning and his grades.

"I suppose we will, we're both very intelligent after all!" He bragged, turning back to Kongpob who still looked conflicted. "So, partners?" Arthit asked as Kongpob's face lit with a happy grin.

"Of course, Phi," his boyfriend (?) replied.

Kongpob, P'Arthit and the Rice Baby (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now