Pieces Of Turtle Stories - Incomplete

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As I briefly mentioned in the description, I have many story clips of ideas that have popped into my head at time and I've scribbled down to remember in case I make it a full story. I've had this one brewing for a while, but I don't see it going anywhere any time soon. However, because it exists, I figure "Why not share it with the TMNT fans out there that may find it interesting or be inspired to try a story like it of their own?" 

Heck, if you can take one of my story ideas from clips and turn it into a OneShot, Short Story, or anything otherwise, plleeeeeaaasseeeee do me a favor and me know 'cause I would love to check it out! 

Anyway, let us continue 

There is a good chance the coming story clip will never take part in a fully finish story, so I'd you're choosing to read it, just remember that I can't guarantee that this story will ever amount to more then a inspired idea and this coming clip. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask! 


Unfinished Story Title: Incomplete

Current Story Description: After a Kraang lab explodes around him and knocks Mikey out, the youngest turtle later stumbles out of the demolished lab to find his brothers have left him behind. Bruised and battered, Mikey heads back to the lair, only to have his brothers freak at his arrival and attack him. The worst part is, they don't even know who he is!

As far as he can tell, Donnie's supposed to be the youngest, Leo's a moody loner, and Raph doesn't have a place on the team anymore. Struggling to put the pieces together, Mikey makes it his mission to figure out what is going on while trying to remind his brother's of who he is and keep the oddly eager Raph from murdering him in cold blood.

But how do you remind your family who you are, when they're certain you never existed?

Still upset that his brothers had left him to make the trip back to the lair on his own, Mikey allowed the annoyance to become visible on his expression as he decided that he would give Donnie the guilt trip of a lifetime first before he moved on to his older brothers. Plus, Donnie would kill him for not going straight to the lab for a check-up the moment he return to the lair. 

Heading into his brainy brother's lab, Mikey was about to get his attention when Donnie glanced up from his work to give him an irritated glance.

The irritation at being desturbed was fleeting and Donnie's eyes widened in shock as Mikey approached, letting out a startled cry and stumbling backward, bumping into the table behind him. The force from his crash sent the tablet reeling over and the rickshay of breaking glass surrounded Mikey, but the equally surprised younger brother was more concerned about Donnie and his reaction.

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