Kunhang was looking for his cat, Leon who ran away. He can understand why he did, it must be boring to be in the house all day. So Kunhang tried his best to find him.

But as he heard mewls, he heard snores. And he followed it, even though it was a dumb idea. He found someone who isn't dumb at all.

"Dejun?" Kunhang whispers, running to the boy. Leon perched and comfortable on the older's chest. The cat yawned, resting.

"Leon you're so smart!" Kunhang cooed, now scooping the cat from Dejun. Leon purring in response. Kunhang looked at Dejun, his chest moving up and down slowly. He was slightly snoring, and was spread out kinda like a starfish.


"Dejun.." Kunhang says, crouching down to shake the other awake. Obviously too weak to even respond, Kunhang looked at Leon.

"I really hope he doesn't mind." Kunhang carried the other into his house, the piggy back ride wasn't too rough. And Dejun was still in the crook of Kunhang's neck. The mask was still cold but pressed into his skin.

Still sound asleep, his mask was taken off. Kunhang taking a clean and cold rag to wipe the tears and sweat off. He sighed sweetly as Dejun stirred in his sleep. He was in his bed anyways, so he had to take care of him. Dejun.. seemed exhausted.

Leon purrs, jumping into Kunhang's bed. He cuddled with Dejun, which the younger was quite jealous of. Dejun groaned as he felt the weight adjust. Kunhang placing his body weight to just get one hug.

Kunhang slept on the couch.

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