Dejun had fell asleep in class, but no one can tell besides Kunhang who was sitting next to him. His head rested on his palm, snoozing away at the lecture.

He didn't get enough sleep, but Dejun was very glad the mask he had on covered his face so the teacher couldn't tell if he was actually paying attention.

"Psst Kunhang." A boy named Hyo who was a international student from America whispered, Kunhang looking in his direction— Hyo was already near Dejun. A permanent marker in his hand, Kunhang couldn't process what he was doing.

But he was writing on Dejun's mask.

His old label now crossed off, and had new writing.


Kunhang was about to stop him, hit him and push him away. But Hyo-Kyo already shoved Dejun's arm away from under him. The older's head instantly hitting the table with force.

He grew awake, head up and startled. He looked forward, feeling his skin getting exposed. His mask cracked on impact, a piece that uncovered his right eye hitting the desk.

"Dejun.." Kunhang says, the other instantly covering the exposed area with his hand. The teacher scolded Hyo, then clicked her tongue.

"Mr.Xiao, go to the office to get a temporary mask for the day." She says, writing a note to the office. Dejun stood up quickly and got out, then the teacher assigned groups. Kunhang was pissed off at the situation while Hyo was snickering.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Kunhang shouts, Hyo-kyo scoffing as he adjusts his own mask. The label in bold saying arrogant

'Fits the label I guess' Kunhang thought, going back to what he is doing

"I have no idea what you're talking about?" Hyo snickered, acting all innocent as Kunhang clenched his fist. Trying to stay calm.

"You know what you did." Kunhang grits, his heart racing and the blood through his veins felt rushed. His body overwhelming with anger, just for Dejun.

"I'm just saying the truth— he's cursed. His bloodline, his own brother being sent away next week since this school district can't handle two weak boys." Hyo shrugs, his friends laughing to back him up. Kunhang finally stands up. His body forced himself to the international student— hands grabbing at the uniform collar.

"Dejun is NOT CURSED! He is nothing of the sort- so stop assuming things and telling him that! And get YangYang out of your disgusting fucking mouth." Hyo was not phased, he just laughed under his own mask.

"He's cracked! He's nothing like you Kunhang! You don't need to protect people like him just to keep your title." Kunhang then drops him. His words sinking in his skin like a knife..

"My title is nothing but writing above my head. Dejun is better than you and everyone else in this fucking room. You are nothing compared to him, and always will be because Dejun is will always be the one who is the best at the end of the day."

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