"She's gone"

Theodore spoke with a cold voice

"She's gone, she's gone! For the sake of your happiness, she's gone"

In the end, the holy knight voice starts to quiver

"She's gone, she wish for Diana to come back in exchange for her life"

Once again, he look down as tears starts to fall

Once again there was silence

"She's gone! Just how many times do I have to say that to let that sink inside your dumbass brain?!"

Claude want to think this was joke and execute this man right away. That he just didn't want him to make up his mistakes with you, for not realizing his feelings earlier.

But upon seeing a familiar cloth warped around Theodore wirst, he went to reach out for the hand holding the blade on his neck.

Theodore was quick enough to dodge that and went to wipe of his tears with his free hand that wasn't bleeding.


Theodore spoke

"Please leave before I lost all my reasons and kill you right here and now Claude"

But the said man didn't bugle, in shock on what was reality, on what was actually happening.

"Fine, I'll leave"

Theodore spoke as he turn his back at the other three figures in the room

"But please I'm begging you, don't ever show yourself in front of me"

Theodore grit his teeth as he went to pick up his sword on the bed side and starts to head out the room

"And I hope you're happy"

He stated as he walk past Claude

"She gave you want you always long for, Diana"

He added

"And you probably don't know but, she do that because she loves you. And she know she'll never be good enough for you"

Theodore went to hold the door knob

"So be happy"

He opened the door

"Even if you don't. Be happy, that is the consequence we have to face because you push her enough to do such fucking choice like that"

He went out the door and close it behind him just like that

At the same time.

No, that's not it. I don't..

There were so many thoughts going inside Claude's mind.

"Your Majest-"

"Leave me alone for a moment"

He spoke

There was a moment of silence as Lucas and Felix stare at each other. Then they nod and went out of the room in a matter of second.

Soon enough, as the door closes behind them.

A tear roll down his cheek. That was followed by other, and other.

"I'm sorry"

He cried and whispered

"I'm sorry"

He repeated once again.

But no one was there to listen, there was no longer someone to begged forgiveness for, there was no one to tell they were enough. You're gone.

And everyone knows nothing would be the same as it was before, whether it was for the living, the one who remains, the one who came back. Nothing would ever be the same.

Our last goodbye was never said

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Our last goodbye was never said

Enjoy The Pain, You Wish For This

I'm Done for Real


Always (Claude De Alger Obelia)Where stories live. Discover now