Known Half of the Prophecy

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A knot resolves in hands of the tier,
Peace be breached by the hearts of its keeper.
Impartialty of Fate only now be betrayed,
By the treacherous new Prophecy ere forbade.

The ironic birth of greed from power,
poisoning souls and consuming conscience,
forged into a two-edged blade, rebellious,
to shatter the cherished antique mirror.


I know I should have written this a long time ago, but being the Anne with nonexistent poetry-writing potential I left it for a long time. Today I've finally finished it. -wipes sweat-

The complete Prophecy is three and a half stanzas long and will be revealed in the climax. It's not meant to be follow grammatical rules perfectly, and as for the rhyme and metre, don't even try to find them. The effort I put in shows in the form of extremely confusing metaphors all over the place, free for interpretation.

That is all, folks. -bows-

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