part 9

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simon and i were waiting in the hall, his arm resting on my shoulder.

"so... was i any good?" he whispered in my ear. i could hear his smile in his voice.

"oh, shut up," i laughed.

"that's not a no," he said in a sing-song voice.

as i went to push him away, kate and josh walked out of the women's bathroom. kate made eye contact with simon and pressed her lips together, knowing exactly what simon would do.

"no," he said, smiling.

"calm down," kate sighed. "it was barely first base."

"barely first base doesn't make a boy grin like that," i mumbled to simon, flipping my chin up to josh.

he laughed and we heard slow footsteps from down the hall. deena and sam were walking towards the group, their heads slightly down.

"wait, wait, wait," simon said. "did you all go to pound town?"

everyone looked down at the floor, their smiles somewhere between proud and ashamed. simon giggled and slyly pointed at me.

"me, too."

i elbowed him in the gut and felt my face burn up as i turned down at my feet. when i looked back up, i caught kate's smile. she winked at me and i casually flipped her off.

"alright, alright," josh said. "let's get this plan into motion. kate?"

kate told us her plan, which was also discussed and edited with josh, of course. it seemed good enough. there was no way those killer motherfuckers could come after us after it.

"simon, y/n, go to the janitor's closet and get a few bottles of bleach."

i nodded and dragged simon along the hallways. we held hands the whole way, in a cheesy new-couple way, but also in a i won't let you get murdered way.

we eventually found the chemicals and made our way back to the group. i looked down and saw kate kneeling next to a dummy with a knife in its chest. i gasped, remembering why it was there.

"oh, shit," kate said, noticing my discomfort. "you know what this is?"

"it's not every day someone mocks your dead best friend," i told her.

"hey, hey," simon whispered. "are you okay with this?"

"i'm doing it for her," i said. "for heather. i'm getting justice."

nobody spoke after that. kate took the bottles of bleach and set them down in the bathroom, where deena and sam were. after some of the bottles were poured into a few buckets, i watched deena slice open sam's hand. i winced, as if it were my hand. she squeezed the blood into the bucket of bleach, turning it a murky red.

josh instructed us to pour the remaining bottles onto the bathroom floor. i took the stalls, making sure every inch was covered.

"smile, you son of a bitch," simon laughed as he dumped the bleach, mimicking that one scene in jaws.

i could practically hear everyone roll their eyes, me included. when we were done, we went out into the hallway and awaited further directions.

"get a mop," josh told us. "and drag the blood mixture along the floor so the killers only follow that."

we did as he said, all of us splitting up to cover more ground.

the halls were quiet, but soon i knew they would be filled with screams and the burning sound of flames. i dragged my mop along the floor, watching the tiles turn red. my section of the school had no windows, so it was almost entirely pitch black. i took a deep breath and continued.

our final night alive || simon kalivoda Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя