part 5

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we all got into the car, with deena driving, kate in the passenger seat, and me in between simon and josh in the back. deena drove to the hospital, where sam was staying. she looked pissed.

"hey," i whispered, elbowing simon. "look at him." i nodded over to josh, who was staring at kate like she was the only person in the car.

deena pulled into the parking lot, running over the curb in the process. the car slammed to a stop, making me fall forward. simon grabbed me and pulled me back, laughing so hard his face turned the same color as his sweatshirt. kate and deena looked back at us with annoyed looks.

"i'll go in and talk to sam," deena said. "maybe she can get peter to back the fuck off if i go."

"i think you're the last person she wants to see," i told her.

she scowled at me and got out of the car. simon got out too and i climbed out with him. josh was in front of us and simon looked at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"you aren't gonna tease him, are you?" i whispered.

he shrugged and turned back around, skipping up behind josh and slapping his shoulders.

"hey, slow down, loverboy!" he shouted.

i rolled my eyes and ran to catch up with the group.

we walked into the lobby of the hospital. i looked up at the flickering lights and the varying sizes of water stains in the ceiling. a faint song was playing, and it eerily echoed throughout the room. the lady at the front desk didn't look up at us. she was filing her nails. deena walked up to the desk while simon, josh, and i stayed back. the receptionist still didn't look up and i could see deena roll her eyes. with a sigh, she rung the bell that was sitting atop the desk.

"fill these out, take a seat," the lady said, keeping her focus on her nails and handing deena a clipboard.

"no, i'm just visiting," deena explained.

"visiting hours end at nine," the lady said, drawing out the last syllable.

kate walked up and cleared her throat. "tell nurse beddy she has a patient."

the lady finally looked up with an almost shocked expression. i could hear simon's soft giggles from behind me and watched as the receptionist picked up her phone.

a few minutes later, a nurse in pink scrubs walked down the hall to the lobby. her name tag read "eddy" with a sloppy b scraped in front of it. we all gathered next to each other as the nurse came up to the group.

"beddy," kate said. "long time, how you been?"

beddy glanced over at simon and then back at kate. "i see you're still toting around with this moron," she said, shaking her head.

"she can't quit me, beddy," simon said with a smile. "i-i'm too pretty!"

beddy scoffed and simon smugly snickered and leaned his elbow on my shoulder.

"listen," kate said. "we need your assistance."

"i'm sure that you do," beddy told her. "but there happens to be a new security protocol. we kept coming up short on blueberries and bananas, so now i need a special key—"

"i need to see a patient," deena cut in, stepping up to beddy.

she looked down at deena and nodded, bringing her down the hall. we all watched her go.

josh looked at kate. "blueberries and bananas?" he asked, clearly confused on the relation.

"vicodin and percocet," kate answered. then she pressed her lips together in a smile. "you want anything from the machine? i'm starving."

our final night alive || simon kalivoda Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin