Fire drills were on her list of things she wished would be eliminated from each school year. She understood their importance, but they hurt her sensitive ears tremendously and did more harm than good for her. Cora didn't like it too much either.

It took Cora a few more seconds than it had for Isabella to recover from the obnoxious sound seeing as she had not heard that sound in at least 10 years, it was something she never wanted to hear again.

When the two were fully recovered, Cora growled angrily under her breath and ran a hand through her hair, " We missed our opportunity didn't we? I heard them leave when the alarm went off."

Isabella listened closely, trying to drown out the sound of the alarm blaring in her ears. Cora had been right, well, half right. Someone had left the office, but someone had also stayed behind. There was still one heartbeat in there and by the scent that Isabella was catching, it was exactly who they needed. The person Cora wouldn't have the urge to kill right on sight, it was Lydia.

Isabella shook her head at Cora and smiled in relief that their escapade to the school had not been all for nothing, " No, quite the opposite actually. Lydia is still in there. There's still a heartbeat in that room. Aiden must have left because I only smell her in there."

Once Cora had heard that the mission was still on, she took no more moments of hesitation before she barged into the room. Isabella watched silently as the door slammed shut behind Cora and she let out a heavy sigh. Cora did not seem to know the word subtle, did she?

Reluctantly, Isabella made her way to the door and swung it open unenthusiastically. She really did not care about this mission and would rather have been helping Boyd or even Scott look for Deaton. Threatening Lydia about Aiden was almost entirely pointless. As big and tough as he claimed to be, Isabella knew he didn't want her hurt.

Aiden and her relationship were essentially harmless. Although she would have preferred her with Stiles, she was happy that she had finally moved on from Jackson and had something somewhat stable in her life.

She didn't really see the point in ruining that for Lydia, especially after they had completely isolated her from the truth of the supernatural for almost a year. That had not been the smartest of moves the group had decided on, but it felt right in the moment. Isabella was just glad she knew now and that there weren't any secrets among them.

When Isabella walked into the room, she caught sight of Cora standing dangerously close to Lydia with her hand held tightly around her best friend's wrist that was held up in the air. Isabella looked at scene curiously as Cora and Lydia stared at each other intensely, almost ignoring that they had both heard Isabella walk into the room.

Isabella walked closer to the two cautiously and raised her eyebrows in confusion, " Cora? Is there a problem here? I told you that Lydia was off limits, she is on our side."

Cora rolled her eyes and disregarded the last part of Isabella's words, choosing to only focus on the question she had asked, " Yeah, Derek would kindly like to ask you, Lydia, to stop seeing Aiden. Which means that if we catch you with him again, no fire alarm is going to save you. I will personally pull your tongue out of your head."

Isabella eyes went wide, and she stepped between the two waving her arms as she sent a glare in Cora's direction. Cora's grip still held tight onto Lydia despite Isabella stepping between their bodies.

"Woah, hold on, no. Did I not just say Lydia is off limits?! No one is going to be pulling any tongues out of any heads. She isn't doing anything wrong! Aiden is an asshole, sure, but what does Lydia making out with him really do negatively to us?"

Cora huffed angrily and shook her head at her niece who in her opinion was acting incredibly naïve and stupid. By sleeping with the enemy, that made her the enemy in Cora's eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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