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third person

"gus" brayden said bluntly to his sister. "what about gus?" she asked, in an oddly defensive tone over a guy she just met. a guy she'd spent most of her time with being scared of, at that.

"sit" he said to her, pointing across the table from himself as he took a seat. "what?" allie asked again, a bit of attitude in her tone. "why did you stay there with him?" brayden asked, staring emotionlessly at her. "it was like 20 minutes? what's the issue?" she asked.

"the issue is that you stayed with gus, why? talk" he demanded of her. "jesus, is this an interrogation?" she asked him. "just answer my fucking questions" brayden sighed.

"well, if i start from the top it goes something like this. you were stupid and forgot to tell him someone else was coming. he didn't know who i was, he had a gun, i had a gun, i told him who i was. the whole process of him trying to figure out who i was and how i knew you was quite scary to me given that he could shoot me at any given time if he felt like it. anyways we got that sorted out, he said you're an idiot for that by the way, i was crying i was scared i was quite the mess. it wasn't good. anyways, he says i should come in and i'm like are you sure? i was uncertain about it but he said that if i drove while i was upset and anything happened then you'd probably kill him so it was best if i just waited a few minutes there until i was calm. i sat on his couch, drank a bottle of water and left. he was perfectly fine and quite kind actually" she ranted, frustrated over her brothers disapproval.

"okay. i know it was a minor interaction but just stay away from him from now on okay? he might try and see you again or through me or something but just don't okay? i know he seems nice, and he can be, but that's not the kind of guy, crowd, or lifestyle i want my baby sister wrapped up in. it's basically suicide" brayden said to her.

"what are you even so concerned about? i did you a favour. also bullshit about the whole lifestyle thing you literally just had me do a drug run for you. if you don't want me to date your friends just say that. not that i was going to, he was just being nice and i left. that's literally all. i'll probably never even see him again" she told him, rolling her eyes at the end of her little rant.

"he's just not good for you, okay? i just wanted to get it out there before anything else happened, if it did. i know you get attached easy" he told her, softening his tone of voice. "well thanks for your concern but i'm an adult now, and i don't need you to police my love life. not that i even have one" she continued to rant.

"i don't know. the way you're defending him right now tells me otherwise" brayden said, lifting an eyebrow. "i'm not defending him?" she argued back. "you totally are. anyways my point stands. i don't want to see you with him" brayden said in a warning tone.

his sister just nodded, knowing she would get nowhere in this conversation. she wasn't dating gus and she didn't do anything wrong. "good" brayden said approvingly, getting up from his chair. he pushed it back in under the table top and left the room.

"christ" allie muttered to herself, a little shocked by her brothers sudden concern over her. especially when he sent her there. it didn't make sense. she was very much so an adult, who very much so didn't need an older brother to overlook all of her choices. if she wanted his opinion she would ask.

she got up from the table brayden had sat her down at, going to the stairs to get to her room. allie flopped down onto her bed, digging through the pockets of her sweater and pants.

she felt what she was looking for, pulling out the tiny piece of paper that had an address and a phone number scribbled in brayden's handwriting on it. she wasn't interested in gus at first, but now that brayden had made a huge deal of it she felt the need to go against it, just to piss him off. as little sisters do.

brayden was harmless to her, and gus seemed the same. she'd have to show him she could take care of herself and think on her own for once. she didn't care what he thought. this was a perfect opportunity.

she carefully deciphered each number on the paper, typing it into the "send to" bar on her messages app. she wrote out a simple, "hey" and hit send. what's the worst that could happen? brayden gets mad? that's nothing.


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