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third person

allie sat at her kitchen table, it was in the corner of the room allowing her to lean against the corner where the two imperfect white walls met. her brother brayden could be heard in the next room over, pacing anxious circles around the living room. she could tell he was on the phone, but couldn't make out the words being said as they turned to nothing but incoherent noise as the sound travelled through the walls.

allie being the younger sibling of the two was 19, brayden being 23. they lived with their dad, or more so at their dad's house. there was nothing wrong with their father, technically. he gave them a house, food and clothing. however, he was a workaholic who spent more hours than required at the office everyday. he wasn't home much, especially now that the kids were adults. any free time he did have was usually spent with any random woman who showed the slightest interest in him.

allie never  knew her mom, brayden only having faint memories of her before she left when allie was just a baby, rendering her incapable of holding any memories of the woman who was supposed to be there to take care of her. her brother was 4, who was just able to form core memories of the situation.

"al" brayden said, grabbing her attention. his head poked in the door, around the corner to look at her.

"what?" she asked with a slight attitude, not in the mood to be bothered.

"i just got an undeniable deal but i have to go right now to meet the guy. i only had one run i was supposed to tonight, can you do me a solid and do it for me? they're personal friends of mine. it'll be safe, they're no risk to you" brayden asked her, with a certain degree of desperation and plea in his tone she rarely heard, indicating this was a big deal to him.

"fine" she decided, "but you owe me one" she bartered. "yeah yeah, whatever you want. thank you, i gotta run. text me when you're home safe okay?" brayden instructed her.

"okay" she nodded, trying not to show her uncertainty. "take this, and this" he said, placing two little clear bags full of white powder in her hand, along with a piece of paper with an address and phone numbered scribbled on it. "o-okay" she stuttered. she'd done this for him twice before, it wasn't the worst thing ever and went smoothly both times but it still made her anxious.

"and should you run into any trouble, call me but take this just incase. don't do anything with it it'll just make me feel better you have it" brayden told her, reaching to pull something out of the back of his waistband.

he placed the pistol down in his unsuspecting sisters hand. "bray what the fuck" allie panicked, not sure what he was getting her into. "jesus relax. don't do anything with it literally just have it on you for my sake. now i have to go, it'll be fine. thanks again" he said to her as he rushed for the door with his car keys, leaving her standing there with a gun in one hand, drugs in the other.

"fucking hell" allie mumbled to herself, grabbing her own set of keys so she could get this out of the way. allie had known about her brothers side job for a couple of years now. their dad had no idea. brayden had always taken care of his sister when his dad was subpar, leaving him to take care of the house, clean and shop more often than any child should.

allie walked out of the house, hiding the gun and drugs in her hoodie pocket until she got to the car. she frenzied to hit the unlock button on her car key, throwing the items into the centre console as soon as she opened the door. she punched the address from the paper into her gps, it was only a 15 minute drive. not too bad.

night had just begun to fall, leaving just enough daylight to see without streetlights. she drove extra cautiously, right now would be the worst time ever to be pulled over by a cop. "oh sorry, my brother ran off for a business deal of sorts and asked me to do him this favour" doesn't exactly sound good enough to talk herself out of arrest.

a text from her brother popped up on the screen on her dash.

u okay?

yeah fine On my way! now

at least he cared about her, even though this was a totally ludicrous favour to ask of her.

"construction. road closed. re routing" her gps spoke to her. "of fucking course" she sighed to herself. every minute she was in the car with drugs and a gun was taking a minute off her life from stress. she turned around at the pilons and road closed sign, turning down the directed side street. she was now in mostly unfamiliar territory, not recognizing most of the streets and surroundings. she trusted her gps to guide her to her destination successfully.

after following the maze of side roads she was finally told she had "reached her destination on the right hand side in 50 metres". she double checked the address of the house with the paper brayden had given her, it was the right one.

she took a deep breath and opened the console again, putting the bags of coke into her sweater pocket. she decided to shove the gun into the back of her waistband like she'd seen brayden do, he seemed like he knew what he was doing.

she took one final deep breath until her lungs couldn't take anymore air, cracking the car door open. she slowly swung one leg out of the car, then the other. the whole situation felt like it was happening in slow motion. staying as hidden as she could from the street, walking between the cars in the driveway she approached the front door, lightly tapping it with her first a couple of times.

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