I'm Gonna Rant :P

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HELLO!!!! SUPZEZ MY FELLOW DEMIGODS!!! How are you? Good? Good!! Well today I'm going to rant about Frank Zhang. Yes, Frank Zhang.

For those who know me, I always rant about how people never really recognize Frank. And you guys are going to get a whole lot more of that. ;)

I know that everyone has their opinion on the characters, but I'm going to tell you guys that Frank is one of my favorite characters in these books--well right next to Leo, Percy, and Hazel. Frank is kick butt. I love Frank. And yes, he might not have the sass like Percy and Leo, but I love Frank. Yes, he's not as powerful as everyone else, but he can turn into any animal!!! Yes, he's a klutz, but he is awesome, brave, strong, awesome, and above all; he's a good boyfriend.(Even though I've never been in a relationship)And he doesn't have any fangirls--NONE--, I mean he has Hazel and all, but no fangirls--they all went to the Percy, Leo and Nico. This fandom, guys...It's going to be the death of me.

JK!!! I love you guys!!! Thanks for reading!!! Vote,Comment, Share, and a special thanks to @Apple_Lyn for the support and comments!!!

Love: TophPug

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